for the Military Protection, a n d Ln aid of the Civil Establishment.
Heads of Service.
V O T E 1.
V O T B 2.
V O T X 6.
V O T E 7.
V O T E 10.
V O T E 11.
Pay, etc., of Staff and Commands
„ „ Officers
„ „ Warrant Officers, N. C. Officers and Men
Regimental Allowances, etc....
• * •
* i
Field Training ...
Pay of Chaplain (Officiating Clergy)
Appropriation in Aid (Drawback)
Total Vote I
Pay of Civil Practitioner and Dispensers
Total Vote 2 ..
• 3 *
. . .
Lodging, Stable and Shoeing Allowances
Field Allowance
Mess Hire Allowance
Barrack Services
Conveyance of Troops (.Land and Coastwise)
Sea Transport of Troops
Carriage of Stores
Wages, Pay, etc., of Army Service Corps Subordiuace
Total Vote 6 ..
Cost of Provisions aud Allowances in lieu
„ Forage Allowances in lieu of Paillasse straw .
„ Fuel and Light and Allowances in lieu
Advertisements in Newspapers and Printing
Total Vote 7 .
Establishments and Wages, etc., of the Army Ordnance Department
Miscellaneous, Stores and Services
Tocal Vote 8 ..>
Staff of Works and Engineer Salaries and Services ..
Ordnance Repairs. Renewals aud Maintenance
Works and Buildings
Total Vote 10 ..
Postal and Telegraphic Expenses
Total Vote 11 ..
£ s. d. £ *. d.
1,497 13 10
10,20b" i 0
38 3 10
19 0 0
11,761 1 8
240 16 I
8 13 I
303 0 0
20 2 6
535 1 3
1.060 7 9
92 17 7
529 8 5
646 13 If
240 16 1
3,196 4 61
13,857 la 3
2,636 1 0
537 5 6
5 2 4
17,036 7 1
197 14 0
oil 17 1
214 l 3
41 12 8
13,303 6 3
6 10 0
709 Il l
13,565 10 2
113 19 2
113 19 2
£46,623 9 9
13 A