S E R G H I S .
XI. For a Serghi (Particulars of Verghi Assessment)
s. cp.
- 0 8
Emu-name dated 2nd
August, 1233.
M U K H T A R ' S C E R T I F I C A T E S .
XII. For issue and service of notice in applications for registration where the
Mukhtar refuses to issue his certificate - -
- - 5 0
Order of High Com–
missioner dated 20th
Sept., 1386.
T R A N S L A T I O N S .
XIII. For translations into English, Turkish or Greek of any document issued out
of the Land Registry Office (except Certificates of Registration).
(a). Where the document translated is) _ „_ , ., . , -
in English or Greek
For e v e r
7 200 words or part thereof - 1 0
he d0CUment fcranBlafcedia
[ For every 150 words or part thereof - 1 0
Order of High Com–
missioner dated 28th
January, 1899.
An initial charge of" 3s.
in respect of each appli–
cation, and 2cp. in addi-
"tion for each parcel of
property or assessment
involved in the enquiry.
L O C A L E N Q U I R I E S .
XIV. In respect of Local Enquiries by Officers of the Land Registry Department:—
(1) For identification of Verghi Assessments - -1
(2) For the distribution of Verghi. - - -1
(3) For the identification of old and new registrations
(4) For identification and settlement of boundaries'
(5) Oh application by the holder for original registration . -
(6) On application by a Judgment Creditor for registration of
his Debtor's properties under Law X. of 1885, Part V., III.
(7) For the partition of properties held in partnership
(8) For any enquiry not included in the foregoing classifica–
tion - - - - - - • -
(9) Where, in any enquiry, the preparation of a plan is required, the fees prescribed
under Head IX., shall be taken, in addition to the above charges.
Where the enquiry necessitates a visit to more than one village, the charge of 3s. and 2cp.
for each parcel of property or assessment examined will be levied in respect of each village visited.
Where in any proceedings in Court a Local Euquiry is directed to be made, or a party in
any action requires an enquiry, an inclusive fee shall be t'akeu to cover (1) the charo-e for the
Local Enquiry (2) any travelling expenses (so far as can be calculated) or other disbursements,
(3) the time involved in examining the case, and (4) the attendance in Court. The fees paid
shall not be less in any case than 10*?. and the party paying the 3ame shall have no ri°-ht or
claim to any refund in the event of any of the services, for which the fee has been paid, not
being rendered. Such enquiries will ordinarily be made by the permanent Enquiry Clerk in
due course ; but, in special and urgent cases, a special officer may be emploved on payment of
such extra charge as the Registrar General may determine. Where the summons requires only
the production of documents, or the giving of evidence based on records in the office, the charge
of 3.j. shall be levied if the service can be rendered by an officer iu the District Office. If °it
involves the bringin-**; in of an officer from the District or another part of the Island, a" sum in
addition to the 3*. shall be taken, sufficient to cover his travelling expenses so far as they can
be calculated. In every case the payment will be regarded asfinaland will be brouo-ht to
account at once, no refund being made under any circumstance.
XV. For every declaration under Law XIX. of 1890, made in a District other than that in
Thich the property is situate -
x. r u
Order of High Com–
missioner dated lst Aug.,
.net otner tuan that in )
Is. for each declaration. } Law No. 7 of 1913.