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T R A D E M A R K S FEES—continued.
14. On application to register a subsequent proprietor of
m o r e than one M a r k standing in the s a m e n a m e , the devolution
of title being identical in each case :
For the first M a r k
A n d for every other M a r k
15. O n application to change the nam*- of a proprietor of a
single M a r k w h e r e there has been no alteration in the proprietor-
• « •
• a •
• • *
16. O n application to change the n a m e of a proprietor of
m o r e than one M a r k standing in the s a m e n a m e , the change
being the s a m e in each case :
F o r the first M a r k
A n d for every other Mark...
17. For renewal of registration of a M a r k at expiration of
last registration \
IS. F o r renewal of registration of a series of M a r k s at the
expiration of last registration :
F o r the first M a r k of the series ... ...
A n d for every other M a r k of the series ...
19. F o r renewal of a M a r k registered under section 56 for
goods in m o r e than one class :
In respect of every class ... ... ...
—,.^ Total fee in no case to exceed £ 1 0 for any n u m b e r of
Additional fee under Rule 67
Additional fee under Rule 6S
F o r altering a single entry of the address of a registered
23. F o r altering m o r e than one entry of the address of a
registered proprietor where the address in each case is the s a m e
and is altered in the s a m e w a y :
F o r the first entry ...
A n d for every other entry...
24. For every entry in the register of a rectification thereof
or an alteration therein, not otherwise charged ...
25. F o r cancelling the entry or part of the entry of a trade
m a r k u p o n the register on the application of the o w n e r of such
trade m a r k
26. O n request, not otherwise charged under section 10 (6)
or u n d e r section 3l) ..."
27. F o r a search under Rule 90
23: For a certificate of Registrar of registration to be used in
legal proceedings
29. F o r certificate of Registrar of the registration of a trade
m a r k for the purpose of Obtaining registration abroad ...
30. F o r certificate of Registrar of the registration of a series
of M a r k s for the purpose of obtaining registration abroad
31. For certificate of Registrar other than certificate ui. *-r
section 15 or certificate to be used in legal proceedings, or for rhe
purpose of obtaining registration abroad ...
32. O n appeal from Registrar to the Court in respect of each
decision appealed against by Appellant
33. O n an application to the Registrar under section 21 ..>
34. O n an application to the Registrar for leave to add to or
alter a single M a r k
35. O n an application to the Registi-ar for leave to add to or
alter m o r e than one M a r k of the s a m e proprietor the addition or
alteration to be m a d e , in each case being the s a m e :
For the first M a r k ...
A n d for every other Mark...
36. For inspecting register in connection with a n y particular
trade m a r k , for every quarter of an hour
37. F o r m a k i n g a search amongst the classified represen–
tations of trade marks, for every quarter of an hour
38. F o r office copy of documents for every 100 w o r d s (but
never less than ls.) ...
39. F o r certifying office copies M . S . or printed matter
40. For advertisements in the Cyprus Gazette or other
•s ». ep. Form
R.T..M. No.
1 u}
0 3 0
19 or 20
3 0\
1 oj
0 10 0 13 or 16
13 or 16
0 10 0 13 or 16
0 3 0
3 0\
1 0J
0 5 0
0 3 0 25 or 26
0 3 0
0 5 0
0 10 0
0 3 0
0 5 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
2 0 0
23 or 27
32 or 33
0 10 0
10 0\
5 0J
0 10
0 10
Trade Marks Rales,
1911, published in Gat.
No. 1009 of 26th Mav,
1911. vide Law No. 8
of 1910
According to tariff
and in proportion
to space occupied.
For the purpose of these fees (except as specially provided above) every M a r k of a
series u n d e r section 2 4 of this L a w shall be d e e m e d to be a M a r k separately registered.