Amount of
Fees during
the Y-*ar.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a
for his personal
Residence: or
if any.
for House Rent
Whether the Office be held by Principal |
in conjunction with any. and what
other Civil. Military, or Naval Office or Period during
Appointment or Place >>f Profit in any j which the
Colony, or on the Establishment 'if the Officer has
United Kingdom,
been Absent
If the Office be held by a Military or
from tiie
Naval Officer, whether upon Full or I [dan'I
Half Military or Naval Pay. the Total durin,' the
Amount of Pay and Allowance* of , Yea..
every kind actually received by him in
addition to the Profits of hi* Office.
Whether the Principal
enjoys any. and what other
Advantage or Profit.
not required to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
Date of First
under the
£ a. cp.
1 May, 1911
12 Aug., 1907
6 Jan., 1908
j 1 May, 1908
| 1 AprU, 1905
j 14 Nov., 1907
j 2 Nov., 1909
| 1 April, 1910
| 1 April, 1890
! 23 April, 1894
1 Dec, 1910
1 July, 1911
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1907
1 April, 1907
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 July, 1907
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 Nov., 1912
1 April, 1912