R E T U R N "of Principal' Publications during the year 1914-15 including Newspapers, and
Reviews and, if known, the circulation of such Newspapers and Reviews.
Title of Publication.
"Kypriakos Phylax" (Kuirpuucor *v\a£), a weekly
newspaper in Greek.
"Kypriz " (»/--?-») a weekly newspaper in Turkish.
Mastigion " (Maemyiov), a fortnightly satirical news–
paper in Greek.
"Neon Ethnos" (Ntov "Eflvov), a weekly newspaper
in Greek.
" Patris " (riarptc), a weekly newspaper in Greek.
" Phone tes Kyprou " (tiW'jjr rrjq Kon-pou), a weekly
newspaper in Greek.
''Salpinx" (JZaXmyi), a weekly newspaper in Greek.
Circulation as stated by Editor.
About 800 copies.
1,000 copies.
About 1,300 copies.
About 400 copies.
1,200 copies.
1,350 copies.
600 copies.