I M P O R T D U T Y .
vi-—Professional robes of Advocates entitled to practise in Cyprus.
w x
°* "
or 1S99
vii.—Authorised uniforms of Foreign Consuls aud Consular Officers and national flags
imported for their use.
Authorised uuiforras of any Foreign Government to be worn by persons entitled to wear them
'Government medals and decorations to he worn by persons resident in Cyprus.
viii.—Fire-arms for the personal use of Officers of His Majesty's Xaval and Military Forces.
ix.—Paving stones iiii**>orted by Muuicipal Councils iu the Island to be used for the paving
of streets within tiie Municipal firaits, and duly certified as so imported by the President and
Cashier of any Municipal Council.
T.—Street lamps aud theirfittingsimported by Municipal Councils in the Island to be used
in Luc lighting of Streets within the Municipal limits, and duly certified as so imported by the
President and tlie Cashier of any Municipal Council.
xi.—Casks and vats, anil staves and hoops for use iu constructing casks and vats.
xii.—.Micro.-copes and all microscopical and other apparatus or appliances for purposes of
scientific investigation and research.
xiii.—Gym na tic apparatus, mathematical and generally all other instruments used in schools
for educational purposes, which are imported for the use of schools.
xiv.—Animals and livestock, atlases and maps, anchors and chains (ships'), bark, boats.
charcoal, church furniture, and articles intended to be used iu the building andfittingup of
churches and mosques, and vestments and other articles necessarily used for religious services
anil certified to be so intended or used, as the ca.*-e may be, by the proper ecclesiastical
authority, coa's, empty casks and sacks, fnshfish,gold bullion and specie, ice, lime, medicines
and medical appliances, pitch and tar, printed books, sawdust, silk-worms" eggs, sponges taken
by licensed boats stationery, printing paper, wliether white or coloured, printing ink'printers'
type, and priming material.--, sulphur, wheat, barley, oats, vetches, flour, bran, chopped straw,
cotton seed, fodder for cattle, and all mcchauical appliances for use in manufacture and
examination of wine; sulphur syringes, tombstoues and memorial tablets, and tools and
implements used in Agriculture and Handicrafts.
xv.—Machinery and parts of Machinery and theirfittings,connections and gearing.
The High Commissioner may in certain cases order admission free of dutv of goods sent for
use in Consular Offices ( *uc. 11 of L a w X X I L of 1899).
Dutiable articles and a;tides sent away or the purpose of alteration or repair provided: )
Coancil N
(1) that prior to exportation such articles -hall have been produced to the -Customs for the / 473
f -25th Jan.. 1910'
purpose of ident.ficatiou on re-importation, rl) or that the Chief Collector of Customs is satisfied >published in Gazkte-Sa.
that the article- are the same, (;->) and that tiie re-importation takes place withiu one vear from I •*
' P*
the date of ex: ortation.
Disiufectams imported in bulk (i.e., packages ench weighing not less than 10 okes or in drums J iof^yni^ov^iaio.
each not less thanfivegallons) admitted duty free.
"S Gazette No. 996.p. 7243-
Hospital app'iances or equipment, certified under the hand of the Chief Medical Officer to I 23$" l^th Sept"?
be imported for the use of anv Hospital.
.J 'Gazette No. 3 7o'of""lit
I Oct.. 1*97.
I Order in Coancil No..
352 of ISth Feb.. 1902,
published in Gazette No.
721 of 2-Sth Feb, 1902.
Order in Coancil No.
Postage Stamps—used or unused—other than those of Cyprus, are free of mport duty.
| N ^ . ^ s ^ o f ^ n d S c h '
| I9o .
Empty car II-oard boxe.*, and labels, which the Chief Collector of Customs is satisfied are for 3780?" 7th SSS^iwI"
use in connection with the raising of silk-worm eggs.
\ Gazette No. "SSo'f Uth
f March. 1904.
Iron piping, which th,* ICi-yii Commi>sio**er is satisfied is for work of Public utility and ( ctS^.K
•mported by any public M,n:,.pal body or -minority.
""* \ S £ S o S
1 j- ••
. ,, ,
/ Order in Council No.
Ai! ui.m-uv- .1-.1 fern;.>:::,. gii-mo, boneaiuc. and ml chemical manures aud preparations to be 4-22 published in Gazettt
used as manure.
< No. StJS. of 24th Aueust,
( 1906.
-o • , , .
• Order in Council No.
Kesm—free of import v.-'zv.
\ 513 published in Gazette
\ No. 1017. of 1st Sesc,
( 1911.
Motor cars, parts, of motor cars, theirfitctngsand gearing—free of iraoort dutv until Ut (' - , ?
T l ] e
' ^
a n
^ ^°-
.November, 11)15.
* "
) *>40 puolished in G
) No. 10S9 of 24th 0c:
( 1913.
B a p g e - t h e Una ft' baggage accompanying a passenger or following bv vessel within two (
months snail be exempt i m m duty.
pnbiirt^d in Gauttlfo.
( 1010. p. 7433.
n 1 T> 1
, _,
i Onier in Council No.
Lrutle retroli n m — w h e n imported as Fuel for oil ensines.
*-6 of 13th July, 1912,
j published in Gazette So.
( 1049. p. 7S63.
Explosives—: ij-orted ;>y tiie Cvprian Mining- Cuiiiounr, Limitel. dutv free for two vears ( -ol
er in
Council No.
from lst April. .MIS.
r a
o 3
» « 4th April. 1913,
) Published in Gazette No.