N a m e of Bo**!***- aid
under which established.
Municipal Cou*T*.-il. Kyre-i
nia. Elwtsd under the
Municipalities Amend-!
ment La****, !907.
Municipal Council. Lapi–
thos. Elected under the''
Municipalities Amend–
ment Law. i907.
Mnnicipal Conncil. Kara-
vas. Elected v.y. v.r the
Municipiiiiies Amend–
ment Law, iyi)7.
Powers and Duties.
Information same as Xicosia.
llunicii.ai Limits.
All the laud lying within
a ni-lins of one "English
mile from the boundary
stones placed outside the
Castle (vide Order of the
Hi'j-h Commissioner in
Council Xo. 2o of 29th
November, 1907, published
in Gasette X o . 436 of 13th
December, 1907).
On tbe east by:
T h e western b a n k of the river
Vathykakas from it* source to
the bridge, over thesaid river on
the Kyrejiia—Lapithos carriage
road, thence the carriage road
to rhe bridge over the Mavro–
limni river (ail lands, etc., on
the north of the road between
tbe two bridges to be within the
limit of the Lapithos Munici–
pality) thence the western bank
of the Mavrolimni river to the
O n the west by-:
The. m o u t h of rhe river Yani–
tserou to YVnirserou Spitia,
thence along the L a p i t h o s —
M o r p h o u road ro the source of
the rivin- Terangi (ill lands,
L'tc. on the south of the road to
be- within the limit of the
I.nriithos Municipality).
O n the north 'jy :
Tiii? -*>.
a betw.-en rhe m o u t h s
of the riv-rs r.ini-somn and
O n r!i.> sour!) i.iy :
A liit'CT line from the
Moiiaste.-y Krinia. Sinaitiko to
the western b a n k of the river
Vathykakas at its 5 mrce.
( I "nb: Order of the High C o m –
missioner in Council So. 338
published in Gazette X o . 693
of 15th March. lPOl.)
On the cast by :
Thf? western b a n k of the river
Aneradon from its source to
the sea.
O n the -.vest b y :
_ The uasit-rn b a n k of tho river
• athykakns from its source to
the bri Ige. or..-r the said rivor,
on the Kyrenia—l.apitho*
earringe road, thence the
ca Tinge road- to the bridge over
iho Maviiilin-ni river (nil lands.
etc.. on the south f the road
• •efv.ven the ;•.•-.;. bridges to be
within ".lit; limit of the Karnva
M uiiicipaljry)' henc • - lie ca-tern
hank of the Mavrolimni river
... the sea.
O n *h? niirih bv :
T h e sea betv.-'eon the mouthf*
oi" the rivers Mavr.limni and
O n tin- south iiy :
A direct lim'from the ••a«tern
bank of the river Vathykakas
at its source, thence to localities
Ayio. Pavlos. tbence to C o m a -
ri*tra. then.-" t-i Ski it ini. thence
10 I'yrokremos. thence to the
we*.ti.'i-ii b ink of the rivor A n .
rsvinn at its source.
(Vile Order of the High C o m -
lnis-ioiu-r in Council N o . 33Si
pu'nlish"d in G.:zrt>e So. 6113
.IT l..rh M.-ir-th. l'.'Ol.**)
Sonreesof KeTi-imf. if „,,,
star- ATimunt. anil o-i -Tint
d s „ of property movabltoi
Information same
as Xicosia.