(For the delivery of Parcels, in che United Kingdom and Egypt free of any charges, arranged
to be paid by the sender : — )
Fee payable per parcel
. . . . . .
JS'oie.—TIi-:*= U uiso an Express Delivery System for letters and other Pustal packets but the fet-
is payable by che addressee o n che delivery of C U T letter or ociier Postal packet.
1. T h e " C a s h J M Delivery" system is designed to meet che r-yiuirc-mrncs of persons w h o
wish to pay for arciek-s senc co them ac che tims •:" tv-cx-ipc of the articles and aiso to meec che
reciuiremencs of traders and others w h o wish to r-j.-over chiviutrh che a_:*['cv of tiie Post Office che
value of articles supplied by chem.
2. Throughout these Regulations the anio:*-;: to be ooUeoced un ler the- •• Cash on Delivery "
syscem is called che ** Trade Charge.*'
3. T b e amounc of Trade Charge shall noe exceed tiie limics accepced by che country of
desciuacion and che m a x i m u m shall iu no case exceed £ 2 0 including the fees payable to che Office
of Destination and Postage.
i. Every Cash ou Delivery parcel or packet posted or delivered in Cyprus shall be chargeable
wich such special fees as m a y be prescribed fur ch:-.c purpose.
5. Tiie fee due co che Office of Origin shall be paid ac th*-* time of pusciug. T h e fee due co
the Office of Delivery shall be deducted, wich tiie Commission ou the M o u e y or Postal Order
from che amounc of che Trade Charge collected from the addressee o: a Cash on Delivery parcel
or packet and shall be forwarded direct from ti.-- 'Jifice of Delivery c<.. che .~-n.l=r. These deduc–
tions are to be provided for by che sender and inciuded in the a m o u n : desired to be collected.
0. Cash ou Delivery parcels or packets are :o be accepced at ev-ry Discrict Pose Office in
Cyprus and at Troodos and riatre9 on the following condition; :—
T h e sender shall—
(a) wrice ou che cover of che parcel or packet his n a m e and full address, the amounc in
Bricish currency of che Trade Charge i:: figures nnd words, and cue n a m e of che Office
ou which the M o n e y Order or Poscal Order is to be drawn. These particulars m a y be
written ou the buck of the parcel or packet if there is no room for them to be written
ci early on tbe front. N o erasure or alteration of the entry *>f tiie amouut shall be
allowed. A n iucorrect entry shall be completely obliterated and a fresh entry m a d e :
(b) fill up a Request F o r m obtainable ac all District Post Offics* and the Post Offices
ac Troodos and Platres which includes a declaration thac tie Cash on Delivery parcel
or packec is senc in fulfilment of an orler (if che sender de-si :*•_ :o correct the entry of
th- Trail: Charge he shallfillup a fresh f o r m ) ;
(f) prepay in addition co the ordinary poscage and otiier eh.c_.-s. the Cash ou Delivery
i.~ provided for thac purpose by a:.ix::,g cu the l.e-jues: F.-ria a p-•singe scamp or
scamps ilenoriug the amount of snch .•--.
T h e se::der shall then hand iu the parcel ov packet at the ounce.*. -.The:*-- he shall be supplied
with a i.*ei*:i::cac*- uf posting which he shall give ;*.*.• wiieu he pres-riics :.-.• M-.-nev or
to be cashed.
7. W h e r e a Cash un Delivery parcel or pack-;: ha* been insured. :"„.- a mount of che insurance
shall noe exceed che amounc of che Trade Charge, and in che -.v-*.: .-' loss che amounc of
indemnity shall be governed, wichout regard co che amounc of che Tra.i- Charge, bv che ordinarv
rules relating co parcels, insured leccers or regiscered packets.
8. T h e amount of che Trade Charge shall noe exceed the amo*.:u: of che Declared Value
together wi:h the postage and che fees payable ou the parcel or pack--: iu cjuuecciot: -.rich the
Cash ou Delivery system.
y. A n y con vers-...-n of money that m a y
10. W h e r e che sender of a Cash on Deliv.ry *_*rcel or packet vr
Trade Charges ou a parcel v: p.ick-c. he siiallfifi-;.i a ^.ech.: .'orm :
Post Offices and affix cherecv a postage scamp or .:•:
for thac ourt-ose.
._ :u„- :.:_*.
a: the Office of
'.;•.••-• or ranch the
r.i ac all District
:.:•:• fee prescribed
11. TT..-fe a Cash ou D-.-li v-.-ry *•.,• i*?
country to *vhich che sysce::: f Cash on D-Ji
which exct-T is the m a x i m u m pr-:.s-.-i-:b*;*.l in :.:•.
particulars, it m a y be return-.J :•-> tiie *•-•;:• i-r.
12. I: a C a s h ou Dehvery parcel or p-.;ekv* is no: claiu.eO
of 15 days exclusive of the day of arrival, it v. iii ':.- created as
of d
:-....VJV. : c: :.
bv che Add
•-•::••'/ u*jt*x-p:e*.i ior a
-.irs a T r a d e C h a r g e
**..•_» s o m e essential
=Sr= within a period
b'nr ea.-h Cash on Delivery p.irevd or pack*: i.osced iu Cvrirns iu addici.v* to che
usual postage and regiscracion aud other :e%s ... "...
For canc-elling or reducing che chanres ou a Cash oil Deiiverv ;>ar ei 0" rackec...
For deiiverv of each Cash on Delivery pared vr pack-.-t : —
Where che Trade Charge does noe "exce i £ 5 ...
exceeds £"> but no: £ 1 0
,, £ 1 0 .. £ 1 5
£ 1 5 .. £ 2 0 '
s. cp.
1 0
'j Notification N'o. ilo*
/ published in the Gazette
I So. 580 of the 21st Jan..
S-lSyS. and Notitic- tioc
I No. 7539 published -n
\ Gazette No. 821 ;•*,
' April. 1'JOo.
Order of High Commis.
sioner in Council No
Notice No. 9177 pub.
lished in Gazette No
9U2 of the 2(ith June