XVII. W h a t provision is m a d e for the
ed ucation of prisoners ?
XVIII. O n what conditions are remissions
of imprisonment granted?
X I X . H a v e Coroner's Inquests been held
on every occasion of a death in prison during
tne past year ? A n d what were the verdicts ?
X X . 1. W h a t was the sanitary state of tlie
prisons during the year?
2. W h a t were the prevailing diseases?
X X L W h a t are, shortly, the rules as to
Extra Die: allowed to prisoners earning and
keeping 1 or 2 Badges.
Sunday ...
Friday ..
25 drams Olives.
i 30 drams Bulgur.
( 10 drams Olive-oil.
1 cup (Turkish) Cofee.
1 mug of Tea.
In Central Prison 3 classes of 1 hour each
are held weekly ; in District Prisons there are
no schools, but well-conducted prisoners w h o
can read are allowed to have religious books
of their respective persuasions.
Prisoners of good behaviour and industrious
in labour, sentenced to not less than two years
are, if males, after three-fourths, or, if females,
after two-thirds of their term of imprisonment
has expired, recommended to the High Com–
missioner for remission of their sentence, with,
or without, Ticket of Leave.
T h e District Medical Officer certifies as to
the cause of death. Yes. Inquest held by the
Commissioner of Nicosia (Coroner) on Convict
No. 4,372 M e h m e d Muharrem on 24th April,
1913 ; on convict N o . 4,609 Dervish Dere Bey
on 9th October 1913 ; also by the Commissioner
of Limassoi (Coroner) on convict No. 518
Ibrahim Hassan on 30th M a y , 1913 ; on convict
No. 204 Haralambo Katerina on 20th April,
Verdict Natural causes.
Central Prison, Nicosia Excellent
Larnaca ... ... Very good
Limassoi ... ... Good
Paphos ... ... Very good
Very good
• Famagusta ... ... Excellent
Rheumatism, malarial fever, diarrhoea,
diseases ofthe digestive and respiratory organs,
influenza, dysentery, dysj^epsia, diseases of
skin, syphylis, gonorhoea. constipation, hernia,
epilepsy, colic farnucle.
2 dars
S davs
1 day
1 dav
U I Z T A E I * No. 1.
230 drams Bread
25 „ Cheese
250 „ Bread
60 „ Fresh Vegetables
10 ,, Oil
250 „ Bread
75 ,, Cooked meat free of bone
60 „ Bice before being cooked
250 „ Bread
50 .. Bul-jur or Bakla
10 Oil
DlETAr.T.No. 2.
The tame as Dietary No. 1 with the addition of 50 drams of
Bread for each convict.
D I E T A U T N O . 3.
Dailv 250 drams of Bread,
One day 40 drams olives.
next day 60 drams fresh Vegetables as directed in Dietary No. 1.
DlETART No. i.
Punishment diet for all prisoners.
Dailv \ 2W) dram, Bread
* | \N ater, t. nlr.nited
Ia addition to above, fresh fruit in limited quantities may be
supplied when so ordered by the Medical Officer of the PrUon.