R E T U R N of Principal Publications during the year 1913-14 including Newspapers, and
Reviews and, if known, the circulation of such Newspapers and Reviews.
Title of Publication.
" Aeon " (Atciv), a weekly newspaper in Greek.
" Aletheia" ('A/\>/-9euc), a weekly newspaper in Greek.
- Cvprus Weekly T i m e s " a weekly newspaper in
•• Ecclesiasticos ELeryx" ('EK^ffiatrnKoc Kfjpu^), a
fortnightly religious periodical in Greek.
Echo " ('H-^w), a weekly newspaper in Greek.
•* Eleftheria" (EAevflepm), a weekly newspaper in
" Epheineris tou Laou " ('Etpnptpl^ rod Ar.ov). a weekly
newspaper iu Greek.
•• Harmouia"' I'.Aouovi'a), a forrnifhriv periodical in
'- Henosi-s'' ("Eiwic), a weekly newspaper in Greek.
'' Hestiades" ('Ear i-aStc). a weekly newspaper in Greek.
Circulation as stated by Editor.
About 700. copies.
About 600 copies.
About 1,800 copies.
About 400 copies.
1,100 copies.
About 650 copies.
300 copies.
Between 500 and 600 copies.
400 copies.