£ t. ep.
-ft t. ep.
3,185 0 0
1,440 0 0
15,030 0 0 j 6,165 0 0
50 0 0
66 0 0
40 0 0
334 0 0
100 0 0
250 0 0
100 0 0
Fees trom Pupils
or Voluntary
£ *. ep.
£ t. ep.
525 0 0 ! 6,160 0 0
227 0 0 I 20,422 0 0
155 0 0
205 0 0
106 0 0
N O ' R E T U R N S
The Town and Village Schools prescribed under tbe
Education Law are supported by assessment and
Government Grant.
Private Schools are 4 endowed Greek Schools and 18
Moslem supported by Evkaf or Constantinople Grants.
Moslem Schools.—-Under Voluntary Contributions £230
are included alleged to be granted by tbe Constan–
tinople Education Authorities for the maintenance of
12 special Schools included nnder Private Schools.
This amount may only be accepted with reservation.
£275 paid by Erkaf or Municipality Funds.
Greek-Christian Schools.—Under Voluntary Contributions
the sum £227 represents Endo*n*ments and Voluntary
Contributions from private subscriptions.
The average daily attendance in Moslem Elementary
Schools was 4,877.
And in Greek-Christian Schools 24,111. Attendances
of Boys and Girls hare not been separately recorded.
169 0 0
40 0 0
553 0 0
140 0 0
Out of £209, £24 are paid by Erkaf and £42 coll»c:alfrom
pupils as admission fees. The rest accrues from the
School Fund collected br La*r ard applied to Idadi and
Victoria Schools. These Schools are under the control of
the Gorerning Body of Moslem Secondary Schools.
j The Rushdie School is supported and controlled
° ° l| bv Evkaf.
2,413 0 0
2,663 0 0
206 0 0
306 0 0
1,864 0 0 ; 1,964 0 0
726 0 0
726 0 0
N O : R E T U R N
The Gymnasium comprises also Training and Com–
mercial Branches.
These Schools are managed by the Town School
Committee. They have receired i"5U0 from
"School Fund" in addition to the Grant.
"The High Schools at Laruaca, Limassoi. Fama–
gusta and Papbos are not aided by tbe
Government by ordinary Grant beyond the
sums for school fund £112 collected from each
town, and are dependent on fees or subscriptions
and £100 in respect of the English Teaching.
They are governed by Committees under the
Secondary Education L a w .
This is a Private School on the lines of an
English G r a m m a r School. T h e language of
instruction is English, but Turkish, Greek and
French and Arabic are also taught, and boy3
of all races are received.