A m o u n t of
Fees duriuj;*
the i'ear.
Wuether the
I'rincipiti be
allowwi a
' fur hit; persona;
i Kesidence ; or
if any.
for House Rent
VVhotHt-r the (Jrtiee be acid b* P r m :;•_.
in eoiijiiiictinu with any. and
other Civil, Military, or Naral Ortice •*•
A|ipointnieur ot* Place of i'rotit .11 a::y
Colniiy, or on the Esiabli-h-.-eiit ui :he
Uniteil Kiu-j-'loin.
If the Oftioe be held by a Military or
Naral OrBcr. whether upou Full or
Half Military or _ aval Pay. *he T o u '
A m o u n t 01 '.':.? and A.../
-.ui'._s 0:
ov..-ry kind in.-uaiiy irx-iv-J by :.::-. ::.
addirion to the Profit* of his Otfice.
Periml during
'Vhcther the !'rincii)al
lii'.-u the •..•.••joys anr. an-1 '-mat other
Arlrftnrajre m- Profit.
Oilicer hu*-
been Absent
t'riiin the
. , .
duriiikr tiie
uot 1
u i r e < 1
be st:ued
the nree-.-line Coki.'.nis.
Date of First
under the
£ s. cp.,
5 0 0b<
1 0 06
Is also a Deputy Coroner of the
i Is also a Deputy Coroner of^'the
AllowKuce (or • .-mr* at rote
piiJ lo-sall-* co troop»n iuut.
:• ej.rlr. l'tt. for iuddlery. -* *l.
ioi ihuciuf* aud £1 for jewri-
oration ot horic.
7 Dec. 1896
11 Feb., 1S96
• •
21 Nov., 1911
1 Xov., 1900
,19 Oct., 1882
or forage at rate I
! p-id •->••_!-* to trooperi and, I
;•*_•--. lei. for -addlen-. £1 4*. 8 -5ep., 1 8 8 0
for ibaeln-j a d £1 for deteri–
oration of bone.
i 9 Sep., 1893
13 Aug., 1888
22 July, 1891
' 18 Max., 1893
Receive an allowance for foraee cal–
culated at the race paid loeall**- ner
diem for 3 okes of barlev an_ 5 i
okes of straw*; also 10s. a vear for j
repair of saddlerv: £1 -is. a Vear for j
shoeing; and £1 a rear for dtte- !
rioruion of horse.