Amoun t of
Fees during
the Year.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a
for his personal
Residence; or
if any.
for House Rent
Whether the Office be held by Principal
in conjunction with anv, and what
other Civ;'. Military, or !*_••••.' Offi.c vr Peri.-i 'iuiiu-,'
Appointmc-r.r or Place of Profit in any whfch the
Colony, or on the Establishment nf rhe Officer has
United Kinedom.
been Absent
If the Officebe held by a Milt tary or
fr-.*-. the
Naval Officer, whether in •mi Fuil ur
Half 3Iil;-ary or _ nval Pay. rhc .'••*.il dii-iv.* tit-*-
Aninunr ••: I'ay and Al!..-.\-".'ii-s •>:'
every kin• I actually re-*ei *<"*• t by him in
addirir.n r :he I'mHts of hi- Olfi.**.
Whether the Principal
enjoys any, and what other
Advantage or Prorit,
net required to he stated iu
the preceding Columns.
Date- of First
under the
I slam i
£ a. cp.
8 Sep.to 22
Oct., 1913
10 Nov., 1905
26 Sep., 1905
1 April, 1908
12 Aug., 1907
6 Jan., 1908
1 3Iay, 1908
1 April, 1890
1 Mar., 1893
23 April, 1894
1 April, 1905
14 Nov., 1907
6 June, 1908
2 Nov., 1900
1 April, 1910
1 April, 1907
1 Dec, 1910
1 July, 1911
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 Apr 1, 1912
1 April, 1912
1 July, 1907
1 April, 1912
1 Nov., 1912