' Pase in whicb
> his Office
! is describe
MUlard, T.
Mirati, M .
Mitsinkas, G. K
Moghabghab, A.
Monghaster, P.
itontis, Th.
3Ioussa, A.
Muhettin, 31.
3Iuhiddin, A.
3Iuhi-ud-din, A.
3Iumtaz, A.
Munir, 31.
Murat, 31.
Murat, F. F. J. A
3Iuruzides, H.
Mussa, 31.
3Iustapha, A.
31ustapha, A.
3Iustapha, B.
3Iustapha, D.
3Iustapha, H.
3Iustapha, 31.
3Iustapha, 31.
3Iustapha, 0.
3Iustapha, S.
3Iuzaffer, 31.
3Iylonas, L.
Myrianthes, 31. Th
Mvrianthis, C.
Assistant Treasurer..
Probationery Mail Officer
3rd Class Officer of Customs and Excise
Health Officer .. . . . .
ViUage Judge
Clerk, Commissioner's Office. Famagusta
Foot Forest Guard
Leper Farm Guardian
Assistant in Agriculture
Cadi, Nicosia arid Kyrenia
Sth Class Officer of Customs and Excise
Assistant Bookkeeper, Treasury ..
2nd Class Officer of Customs and Excise
Clerk, Treasury
3Iounted Forest Guard
Foot Forest Guard
Lunatic Asylum Attendant
3Iessenger, Forest Department
Foot Forest Guard ..
Foot Forest Guard ..
Guard and Boatman
Guard and Boatman
Native Officer of PoUce
Station Goods Clerk, RaUway Department
Clerk, District Court, Limassoi
3Iudir and Sheriff's Officer
District Overseer, Agricult_ral Department
Rural 3Iedical Officer
Nabi, 31
Naffi, 31. A.
Nami, 31. ..
Nassibian. A.
Newham. Rev. Canon F. D
Nezif, 31
Niazi, H. ..
Niazi, M
Niazi, S. ..
Nicola, L. Hji.
Nicolaides, N. Hji. P.
NicoUs, E. H. D.
Nicolopoulos, I. ..
Nicopouios, H. ..
Nidai. A. V.
Nihad, H.
Noble, C
Nouri, 0. ..
Noury, M. K.
Land Registn** Clerk
Clerk, Commissioner's Office, Famagusta
VUlage Judge
Land" Registry Clerk
Chief Inspector of Schools
2nd Class Officer of Customs and Excise
Land Registry Qerk
Sth Class Officer of Customs and Excise
Land Registry Clerk
Bookbinder, Printing Office
Land Registry Clerk
Director of Pubhc Works
Clerk, Commissioner's Offite. Paphos
Compounder. 3Iedical Department
3rd Class Officer of Customs and Excise
Land Registry Clerk
Assistant Principal Forest Officer
Garden 0~erseer. Agricuir_ral Department
Land Reristrv Clerk
Onbashi. A. A.
Onslev. F. 0. J.
0r_, M. F. 31.
Orphanides, 31. S
Orr, Captain C. W
Osman, A.
Osman, J.
Osman, 31.
Osman, 0.
Osman, S.
Gardener. Forest Department
Registrar General
Clerk. Police.-Department ..
Clerk, Treasury
Chief Secretary to Gover_ment
Native Officer of PoUce
3Iounted Forest Guard
Guard and Boatman
Lightkeeper ..
3Iesseus*er, Education D e tart ment