Doss.—Importation from any place is prohibited, except at Larnaca where they shall be subject
to inspection and detention in quarantine as the Director of Agriculture m a y direct.
The importation into the Island of the under-mentioned goods articles and merchandise
is prohibited absolutely:
(1). Silver or copper coins.
(2). Beshliks, altiliks or metallique piastres.
(S). All sovereigns and half sovereigns coined before the reign of Her late Most
Gracious Majesty Queen Yiccoria.
(4). All sovereigns and half sovereigns which are below the least current weight as
defined in "The Coinage Act,l870," or are otherwise not legally current in England.
(5). T h * substance known as Hashish.
(6). Salt other tnan table and rock salt.
The importation of the under-mentioned goods, articles and merchandise is subject to the
following restrictions :
(1). The importation into the Island offire-arms,detached portions offire-armsand
side-arms is prohibited except—
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca, Limassoi and Famagusta, and
{b.) without a special license under the hand of che Chief Secretarv issued under
L a w 24 of 1879, sec. 30.
(2). The importation of gunpowder (except for the use of his Majesty's Naval aad
Military forces) is prohibited except—
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca and Limassoi (for Famagusta see (2) below).
(&.} in kegs or barrels of a capacity not exceeding ten okes or in flasks of 1 lb. or of
\ lb. except/ where che High Commis-doner has by special permission authorised
the importation in some other manner.
(3). The importation of shot, percussion caps, cartridges (other than ball cartridges)
and side-arms is restricted to the ports of Larnaca. Limassoi and Famagusta.
(4). The importacion of ball cartridges or of ball cartridge-cases excepc for che use of
His Majesty's Naval and Military forces is prohibited, excepc—
(a.) at the pores of Larnaca, Limassoi and Famagusta, and
(b.) with the special permission of che High Commissioner.
(5). (I). The importation of dynamite, nitroglycerine, gun-cottcn, fulminate of mercury
or of other metals or of auy kindred substance is prohibited—
(a.) excepc ac the port of Larnaca (a) (for Famagusta see (2) below), and
(b.) with the special permission of the High Commissioner, such permission being
in writing under the hand of the Chief Secretary to Governmeuc and subject co
such conditions as the High Commissioner, m a y thinkfitto impose.
(2). G-unpowder, Shot, Percussion Caps, Cartridges (ball and shot) Dynamite, Nitro–
glycerine, Gnncotton, Blasting powder, Fulminate of Mercury or otiier metals, and
every other substance or preparation used or manufactured" for explosive or pyro–
technic purposes, Fog signals. Rockets, Fireworks. Fuzes, Detonators and Ammunition
of all descriptions, inclnding empty cartridge cases, m a y be imported at the Port
of Famagusca by such person or persons as m a y be authorised in thac behalf by
special permission of che High Commissioner given under the hand of the Chief
Secrecary to Government, and subject to sucL limitatious as to quauticy as the High
Commissioner m a y seefitto impose; and upon such importation the said articles
shall be landed at such place and in such manner as the Commissioner aud Principal
Officer of Customs of che Districc of Famagusta shall appoint (b).
(6). The lauding in Cyprus of cactle, horns, hoofs, bones, fodder, litter or dung from
vessels arriving from places where cattle disease has beeu publicly notified, to exisc,
is prohibited.
I Gazette No. 1072.
j p. 8077.
" Order of Hi***'** Cons-
mi*-<-ioDer in Conncil
published in Gazette No.
69*2 of lst March, J9C1-
Order of High C o m -
I missioner in Council
I published in Gazette No..
H-.92 of lst March. 19" 1.
/and No. S4S of 12th
\ Januarr, 1906,andOr<ler-
j of High Commissioner in
I Council No. ±28 pub. in
f Gazette No. 901 of 15th.
• NoTember. 1907.
Order in Council No.
508 published in Gazette-
No. 1036 of 15th March-
(a) Order of Hi<h C o m –
missioner in Council No.
359 published in GazetU
No. 738 of 29tb Augrs-fc.
(J) Order in Council No-
407 published in Gazettt
No. *-*43 of 12th Januarv,
Order in Council No.
517 published in Gazette
No. 1035 of lst March-
L 1912.
Order in Council Nc.
413 published in Gazette
/ N o . 858 of 29th June.
* (a) M a r be, imported at Limassoi for a period of two Tears from 1st April, 1913, by tbe Cyprian Mining Company, Limited. See
Gazette No. 1075. p. 8105.
(.&) Permission has been given to Messrs. Hanim-T .fc Thomson. Malta, on behalf of Nobel's Explosive Company, Glasgow, to impcr*.
and store in two specially conscructed .Magazines. North of z-lagusta. auy quantity of abore .Explosives, n. e. in weight IS tots.
exclusive of detonators, safer**** fuze, sporting carrridges. and other accessories such as cabits and batteries. (Order of High Commissioner of
S8th August, 190*>. C S . 1573/04.)
N.B.—Messrs. H a m m e r i Thomson pay a re: til of JL6 oz. lst August each year in order to meet expenses in connection wito.
guarding (Art. 1. Agreement of l.-ith Max, 1905, C S . 1673/04.)