R E T U R N of Principal Publications during the year 1912-13 including Newspapers, a n j
Reviews and, it k n o w n , the circulation of such Newspapers and Reviews.
Title of Publication.
" N e o n Ethnos" (N«ov
a weekly newspaper
in Greek.
Patris" (narpic)- a weekly newspaper in Greek.
" P h o n e tes K y p r o u " (Oun-i) r**/c Kvirpov), a weekly
newspaper in Greek.
" Pistis " (rL'o-nc), a fortnightly religious periodical in
"Pyxlax " (n6i Adi), a fortnightly satirical newspaper
in Greek.
" Seyf" (mjmm) a weekly newspaper in Turkish
Circulation us stated by Editor.
About 400 copies.
1,200 copies.
1,350 copies.
About 700 copies.
About 550 copies.
"Salpinx" (laXTTiyl), a weekly newspaper in Greek, j
680 copies.
About 750 copies.