Amount of
Fees during
the Year.
Wliether the
Principal be
allowed a
I louse
for his personal
Residence; or
if any.
for House Rent
Whether the Office be held by Principal
iu conjunction with any, and what
other t'ivil, Military.or Naval Office or
Appointment or Place of Prolit in any
Colony, or on the Establishment of the
Uniteil Kingdom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
Naval Officer, whether upon Full or
Half Military or Naval Pay, the Total
Amount of Pay and Allowances of
every kind actually received by him iu
additiou to tho Profit * of his Office.
Period during
which the
Officer has
been Absent
from thu
during the
Whether the Principal
enjoys any, and what other
Advantage or Prorit,
not required to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
Date of first
under the
£ *. cp.
3 1 Oa
£1 Post Office Clior-je .Vtlo-ronce
•oil a ve per cent, oa Sale ot -
Forest timber
£3 Post Office Charge Allowance
mad Ave per cent, oo Sale of
Forest timber
Fora****** Allowance 2/- a day;
£50 a year and 2/- a day
forage allowance from
Irrigation Funds and £40
a rear as Onicer in Char-re
of R.E. Works from W . O .
Forage Allowance
2'- a dav
Forage Allowance
2/- a day
Forage Allowance
1- a dav
Forage Allowance
1 /- a day
May 15, 1902
August?, 1905
Oct. 7, 1905
Oct. 1, 1906
Jan. 1, 1906
August?, 1905
August 1, 19011
April 1, 1900
Oct. 25, 1909
Feb. 1, 1908
Mar. 1, 1913
August 7,1905
August 7, 1905
" i)ec. 9, 1909
Oct. 18, 1905
Jan. 1, 1909
May 16, 1898
April 1. 1880
Feb. 1, 1898
Dec. 17, 1909
Jam 11, 1897
Jan. I, 1912
Dec, 1901
Jan. 1, 1899