Whether the
A m o u n t of |
Fees during j
the Year. |
Principal be
allowed a
I louse
for his personal
Residence ; or I
Allowance, j
if any,
fot Kouse Rent ,
or |
Whether the
held by Principal
in conjunction with any, and what
other Civil, Military, or Naval Otliceur
Appointment or Place of Profit in any
Colony, ur on the Katablishment of the
Cnited Kiiitfilom.
If thu OtHcc be held by a Military or
Naval Orticer, whether upon Full or
Half Military or Naval Pay, the Total
A m o u n t of Pay and Allowance-* of
every kind actually received by him in
addition to the Protits of his Otlice.
Period during
which the
Olficer has
been Absent
from the
durin-,* the
Whether the Principal
enjoys an v. and what other
Advantage or Profit. j
not required to be Stated iu |
the precediii',' Column-*.
IVite of First
under the
Receive an allowance for forage cal–
culated at the rate paid locally per
diem for 3 okes of barley and 5
okes of straw; also 10s. a year for
repair of saddlery; £1 4s. a year for
shoeing; and £1 a year for dete–
rioration of horse.
Allowance, for tomue at rate
paid locally to trooperi and,
yt-rly, 10*. (or saddlery, £1 4s.
for shoeing and il for doteri-
oratiou of bona.
- ":"- m. •••••
Feb. 11, 1896
May 9, 1882
Nov. 21, 1911
Nov. 1, 1900
Oct. 19, 1882
Sept. 8, 1880
Sept. 9, 1893
Aug. 13, 1888
July 22, 1891
Mar. 18, 1893
.4 ••'->-