Amount of
fees during
the Year.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a
House '
fur his personal
Resilience; or
if any,
for House Rent
Whether the Ollice be held by Principal
in conjunction with anv. and what
other Civil. Military, or I-Juval Office or
Appointment or Place >>f Profit in any
Colony, or ou the Establishment of the
Unitetl Kingdom.
If the Ollice be held by a Military or
Naval Officer, whether upon Full or
Half Military or Naval Pay, the Total
Amount of Pay and Allowances of
every kind actually received by him iu
addition to tiie Profits of his Ortice.
Peiii-I during
which the
Officer has
beeu Absent
from the
during the
Whethor the Principal
enjoys any, and what other
Advantage or Profit,
not rcjuircd to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
Date of First
under the
£ *. cp
17 10 06
o* 0 Oc
6 17 7±d
1 11 3d
30 12 Oe
11 5 05
Is Sheriff of the District, Receiver of
Wrecks, Marriage Officer, Registrar of
Births ami Deaths, Deputy Marshal of
Vice-Admiralty Court, Coroner, Szc.
1 2
Is Sheriff of *,he District, rteceiTur ot Wrecks.
Marriage Officer. RecHtrer o( Births ind Deaths,
Deputy Marshal
o( Vtce.vJuiirilty
Court. Coroner,
Aug. 31,1912
to Jan. 30,
Dec. 9, 1903 a
March 1, 1899
May 3, 1907
Mar. I, 1908
Dec. 17, 1908
Jan. 1. 1884/"
Aug. 1, 1893
July 15, 1892
July 13, 1878
April 23 1901
Aug-.-10, 1909
April 2S 1897 i
April 20, 1896
Nov. 1, 1907*'
Nov. 1, 1896
Feb. 3, 1897
Nov. 10, 1911
Dec. I. 1911
A Salary beyond £13- personal to Mr. Penzichis.
» Previous Service iu British Honduras.
(1) Major W. N. Bolton, Commissioner, Limassoi, acted as Commissioner, Paphos, from Aug. 31, 1912 to Jan. 30, 1913.
19 A