Amount of
Fees iluriitj-
the Vear.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a
for ins personal
Ke->iiience ; or
if any,
for House Rent
Whether the Office be held by Principal
iu conjunction with any, ami what
other Civil, Military, or Naval Office or
Appointment or Place of Profit in any
Colony, or mt the Establishment of tlic
United Kingdom.
If the Office bo held by a Military or
Naval Officer, whether upon Full or
Half Military or Naval Pay, the Total
A m o u n t of Pay and Allowances of
every kind actually received by him in
addition to thu Profits of his Office.
Peri'-xl during
which tlio
Oilicer has
beun A Uncut
trom the
during the
Whether the Principal
enjoy* any, and what other
Advantage or Profit,
not required to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
£ *. ep
2 10 Ob
10 0
Official Member of th* Legislative Council,
Sheriff of the District, Receiver of
Wrecks, Marriage Officer, Registrar of
Births and Deaths, Marshal of the
Supreme Court in Admiralty Jurisdiction,
Coroner, and British Delegate of Evcaf,
receiving in respect of the latter appoint–
ment £G0 per annum.
July H to
Dec. 4, 1912
8 0
53 13 4?
10 6/i
32 8 2y
15 4/i
36 5 O^r
12 0A
15 4 Qt)
3 U
Free Quarters
Date ot First
uuder the
Nov. 2, 1383c
Sept. 14, 1389
Nov. 4, 1896
April 1, 1898
Feb. 10, 1908
March 1, 1909
Jan. 30, 1913
Fel-. 24, 1892
Sept. 11, 1399
Oct. 11, 13S3
Nov. 23. 1396
Oct. 1, 1904
Oct. 1. 1383
April 2, 1834
July 3, 1332
July 24, 1337
Nov. 9, 1912
Feb. 1, 1906
g Fees as Auctioneer on sales of immovable property under the Civil Procedure Amendment Law,
h Fees under Law VI. of 1894 (Malicious Injury to Property Law).
(1) Major \V. W . D. Hall, Local Commandant of Police, acted as Commissioner from July 5 to Dec. 4, 1912.