N a m e '.f Dodj and
acier waica eitabliihed.
Municipal Council. Xico-;
sia. Elected under che
Manicipalicic-s Anieud
m e - ; Law. 1907.
fowcrs aud b.-.ries.
Municioai Limics.
Mucticipai Council, Mor-
phou. Elecced under che
Municipalities Amend–
ment Law, 1007.
The Muuicipal Councils (or Com–
missions, as che case mar be) are charged
wich the general superinc-iudence and con-
crol (excepting Police supervision; of che
Town. Village or area dedatd a.> the Muui–
cipal limics. in manner regulated by-
various enaccments.—
Their ducies include:—
The construction and maintenance
of streets, open spaces. Public gardens
and plancacious, sewers and drains. Public
founcains, privies and urinals.
The lighcing of the Municipal area.
The cleaning of ali screecs and open
spaces, aud the removal of night soil and
refuse of houses.
The provision of a good and sufficient
supply of wacer for the use of persons
dwelling wichin the Muuicipal limics.
The provision of slaughter houses and
the regulaciou of the slaaghcer of animals
for food.
The establishment and regulaciou of
markets, and the regulacion of the sale
of perishable goods and inflammable and
explosive subscances.
The inspeccion of food offered for sale
and the destruction of such as is untie for
The supervision of weights aud
measures and the provision of Public
weighers and measurers.
The prevention of noxious and offen–
sive crades and the abatement of nuisances.
The regulacion of the construction of
buildings and die demolicion of buildings
untie for habitation or in a dangerous con-
The provision of storage accommoda–
tion for inflammable aud explosive sub–
And generally the doing of such aces
as will promoctf the healch, comfort aud
convenience of the people residing wichin
the Municipal limits.
For these purposes che Municipalities
have power, with the approval of che
Hii-fli Commissioner, to impose races and
ocher fees and charges as sec out under
•'.Sources of Revenue" and co make Bye-
Laws for regulacing che various maccers
coming wichin the scope of their functions.
Soupis oi RoTVuue. U mn.
sxi-v- iiuniuu:. ui'l on xliat
cla-.-. •>( property (module or
Municipal Council, Lefka.
Elected under che Muni–
cipalities Amendment
Law. 1907.
A circle drawn at a dis–
tance of 500 yards beyond
che salient angles of che
bascious of che fortifica–
tions {vide Order of High
Commissioner in Council
Xo. 25 of 24th June, 1682.
published in Gnzette Xo. 88
of 26th June. 1882). as
defined by boundary stones
set up in accordance wich
che provisions of Order of
High Commissioner in
Council No. -166 of 18th
December, 1908, published ;
in the Cyprus Gazette Xo.
936 of 2-tth December,'
Races ou property
wichiu the Municipal
limics. but. excepc in
rare instances, such a
race has not been im–
posed, fees on the
slaughtering of ani–
mals, colls and stal–
lages in markets, races
on trades and profes–
sions, weighing aud
measuring fees, fees
for storage of inflam–
mable aud explosive
subscances, fees for
building permits and
legalization of con-
traces, rencs of Muni–
cipal properties and
fines and penalties
from prosecutions
under che Municipal
The T o w n of Morphou
(vide Order of High Com–
missioner inCouncilXo. 12**?
of 26ch Occober, 1888. in
Gazette Xo. 271 of 2nd
Xovember, laSS).
The T o w n of Lefka (includ–
ing Apliji) and che lands
accached chereco excepc such
as are wichin 200 yards of
che seashore.