Amount of
Fees daring
the Vear.
Whether the :
Principal ">-*•
allowed a
for his pergonal j
Residence; or
Allowance. I
if any.
for House Kent
Whether tne Office be held by Principal
in conjunction with any. and what
other Civil. Military. >»r Naval ' iffice or
Ap|i>iiiitmeiit ur I'lace o." Pn.rit in auy
Colony, or on the Establishment of tho
Cnited Kingdom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
'licer, whether upon Full ur
Half Military or Naval Pay, the Total
Amount ot Pay and Allowances of
every kind actually received by him iu
addition to the Profits >-f his Offioe.
Period during
which rhc
Officer hits
been Absent
from the
during the
Wliether tbe Principal
enjoys any. aud what other;
Advantage or Prorit.
not re-mired to be stated in .
tbe preceding Columns.
Date of First
under the
£} for *otk -loo.
la ee-uootton j
with ipong-t |
Official Member of che Legislative
Cuuncil, Inspector of Fisheries and
Acting Director of Agriculture
Assiscanc Inspector of Fisheries
j Draws £50 as Acting Jan. 13, 13864
Direccor of Agriculture
~epc. 26, 1907
Sept. 8, 1884
Mar. 10, 1900
Ang. 8, 190.-5
Dec. 1, 1901
May 1. 1907
Deo. 17, 1908
Oct, 26, 1909
April 1, 1904
April I, 1896
Aue. 1. 1899
June 1, 1H04
| July 1, l.x9o
' Julv 16. 1906
Draws Forage allowance I Felt. 21, 1894
15s. pecjmensem j
i Sept. I. 1387.
Mar. 25. 1908
May 5. 1900
Jan. 2. 1902
S<-*oc. 8, 1911
• »
| April 15, 1900
! Dfti. 15, 1D01
April 1. UK>7
July 20, 1904
Xov. 1, 1900
Dec. 1, 1909
Mar. 1. 1912