Amount of
Fees during
the Tear.
Whether the
Principal he
allowed a
for hi* pertoual
Kesidence; or
if any,
for House Rent
Whether the Office be held by Principal
in ..-.njunction witli auv. and vi:.-.:
other Civil. Military, or Naval Office or
Appointment or Place of Profit In auv
Colony, or on the Establuhment of tlie
United Kint-dom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
Naval Officer, whether upon Fall or
Half Military or Naval Pay, the Total
Amoant of Pay and Allowances of
.'very kind actually received by him in
addition to cue Prorit* ot* hii Offiia*-
Period darin**;
which the
Olficer bas
heen absent
from the
during the
Whether the Principal
enjoys any, and what other
Advantas-e or Profit.
not required to be stated in
the precediu-j Columns.
Date of first
under the
15s. per m e n s e m
transport alio--ranee
3cp. per diem
transport allowance
Uniform allowance
Aue. 4 co j
10s. per month (or hotuekeepiny
• lo tie* care of Health** Children
Of Lepers
April 1, 1398
June I, 1905
Mar. 1, 1907
Nov. I, 1904
June I, 1911
April 1, 1906
April 1, I9o6
Aug. I, 1909
Jan. 1, 1912
Ang. 16, 1911
July 1, 1893
Sept. I, 19i 9
Jan. 12, 1911
Nov. 26, 1909
April I. 1910
Oct. 1, 1905
Mav I, 1901
£6 per annum
transport allowance
Mar. I, 1910«
April I. 19035
Jan. I. 1910
Dee. 1. 1905
Oct. 1,190o
April 1. 190S
Aug. 9, I9J9
July 1, 1903
April 1, 1906