A m o u n t ui
Fees durin?
che Vear.
Whether the
Principal be
alloweil a
UoUau '
tor hii personal'
Resilience; or
if any,
for Hou»e Rent
Whether the Ortice oe ue.d by Principal
in C J O ] unci ion with any. and wiiat
oilier Civil, Military, or Naval Otfice or
Appointment or Place of Prolit in any
Colony, or on the Establishment of the
United Kingdom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
Naval Officer, wm-cner upon Full or
Hait Military or Navai Pay. the Total
A m o u n t of Pay and Allowances ot
every kind actually received by Inm in
addition to the Pr-jdr*- of hii OiHce.
Period iltirin-*
whi.;ii the
Ottii.'.rr I1.1-.
been Absent
f r o m the
during the
W h e t h e r the Principal;
enjoys any. ami whac otiier
Advantage or Prorit.
not reiuired Co be stated in
the preceding Columns.
Oate of r .rat
under the
53 14 7c
7 6 8a
1 5 4-\c
Is a Member of the Executive
and Leeislative Councils
Feb. 6. 1903
Jan.. 5^1898 ,
Dec. 15, 1909
July 15, 1835
July 13, 18736
Feb. 10, 1911
Mav 10, 1910
Oet. 15, 1900
Oct. 3, 1887
Aug. 15. 1892
Aug. 16, 1SS3
Dec. 11, 1903
Oct. 1, 1879
Aug. 2$, 1395
Right to practise as
Barrister in cases in w h i c h
the C r o w n is not concerned
June 23, l90Td
Oct. 26 137-3
Oct. 3, 1393
April I, 1910/
Dec. 20. 1904
R E M ARKS—continued.
e Includes £50 personal allowance to present holder of office.
f Was formerly a Zaptieh.
g Inc
udes £9 personal allowance to presenc holder of office.
A Includes £'J personal allowance.
Copying and Certifying fees are not pensionable.