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A m o u n t of
F-~i duriiiir
the Vear.
Win-*!!-- *::-
Principal •«
illiiavi.'l »
t'ur liis nir-ouai
tti--iideu.-v ; or
Allnw.iui.e. '
it' an.'. i
tor Hoii-e Kent !
Wh.-ther tin- Orti>«- he n>-.-i hy :'::i\r:: ai
in ouniiiiictn>n witn any, alio what
..ther < ":vil. Militarv. ur N;
•.*:.; iirti'.-.- .r I'ei'i'nl dnriii-r
Appoint.neiit or :'la.-: ot Pf.iu :n a..y
wiii'-h tin:
or on the K-rtai.l.shtr.eni o: r;:._. Orlin.T ha..
(*nited Kinyilnm.
heeti Ah-enf
It the Ortice he held hv a Military or
from the
Naval Officer, whech.r upon Full -i-
Halt Military or Navai Psiy, rhe Total duii'.o the
A m o u n t nt Pay and Allowanee- •:'
every kind art ual ly received oy htm ::i
additinn in the Prodt* >•*" hi- Oftiee.
of F:r»r .
U'hetli"-'.* :.•-• i'nneipal
'•ni'iy- any. ,'.. i-vhat ..ther Api-ninrnjent
A>lv»n*a<«~ »r i'rotit. nudcr the
not f'.iiuir-: t" 'oe -tute.l ill Islaud
-tin- precedintr Columns. ' Oovemra-eal.
£ -s. rp.
April I. 1912
April 1. 1912
April 1. 1912
April 1. 1912
April 1. 1912
April 1. 1912
April 1. 1912
April 1. 1912
April 1. I******* i
April 1, I'M** ^
Juiv IT. 1 S 9 0 i