A m o u n t o:
Fees durin-z
the Year.
'.v*---:it.'r the "•Vii.-i.her the Office be ueid by ?-;:icipal
[': ::*:i|ial be in conjunction with \ny. ar.'i what
t.. -v-l a
.irhfr Civil. Milirary. or Naval Office->r
.•-. .u.ie
Appointment or Place of P:*-ri: in any
*..r uis personal Col--uy. ur ou the Establishment of the
Residem-i; ur i Cnited Kin-jdum.
what i If the Offi-e be held by a Miiirary or
Allowance, i Naval Officer, whether upun Pull or
if any. j Half. Military or Naval Pay. tue T.-tal
' r Huiise Rent > A m o u n t ..f Pay and All'-wances of
or | every kind actually received by him in
'i -.i:*c:*3.
.-vMilioo '•• the P: -tits •-.:* z:x Ortice.
Period during
which the
Officer h.as
been Absent
from the
dui in,' the
£ s. cp.
13 16 of
18 0 4/
Is a Memb»-r of the Eze.-i-.-.-r* iud Leyis- •
lative Counciii.
Whether the Principal
e:ii«.ys any, and -.vuat other
Advanta-je or Profit.
n-ir re..[Uir»'l to i.<e -rated in
tlie preceding Columns
Date of First
undei the
I land
A a A1!OTTIUC« tl £ l ?.? mensem
lurirj? bat-real lor Zl-.'z* Super-
riiiua Tori.
Nov. 11, 1909
j Jan. 15, 1894
; Jan. 1, 1910
; May, 4, 1910
i Jau. I, 1883
' Nov. I. 1834
April 1, 1907
Nov. 16, 1905
• April 18, 1910
A n Allo-r&ace if £'. p«r -ilem '
'iur.a< tii* Locust Ciapai^u ' J l a v 2 2 1 8 8 2
ai ol*1c*r in euar?e. j U w i.'- ~ • ""'
per Jie-n form;e allo-vance.
March 12, 1900
July 4. 1S82
Juue 20. 1*32
; Sept. 23, 1884
; Mar. 1, 1336
j April 1, 1S85
| May 9. 1S99
j Ausr. 1. I8S7
i Feb. 4, 1888
| Fob. I. 1396
; April 10. 13H5
; June 1. 1S85
April 14. 1391
An Ai:.i*ran.:» if '.-. -wr d*»r>i ' A p r i l 1. 1 8 9 6
limnf- iiar-*-j- a* Tiruyorary
Ti'.ti Snpor.Btein-U**:.
April 1, 1897
April 1. 1335
Juue 1, 1385
Mav If. 13S6
d Salary beyoiui £168 personal to Mr. Mantovazi.
« Includes £6 personal allowance.
/" Remunerr.tiou Q $i-_•;>>• p.d. while working •*.« V?.".-*.ers. Section 14. Law XII. of 1907.