A m o u n t -ti
Fees duriii','
the Year.
W h e t h-i* the W'u'.Tiii-r r.ni: ''thVe >>•» \\-_'._i hy I'riucijial
I'riuci*.... b,.
h. ••••iiiuii.-ti'Mi with any. an.l what
allow. •<! a
.-,.-•!• i.'.v;i. Military. .«r Naval i.'rti« •<_• ur
Aiii.-.iiiciiieut ur I'lace-.f 1'r.itit iu any
f'ir his per.vjual Cluiiy. m- uu the Cstabushmeut of the
Residence : or L'ltited K i n g d o m .
I: t.i.- oiHee he held by a Military ur
N.ivai officer, whether upon Full ur
if any.
H:iJ Military ur Naval I'ay. the T..tal
for Hou.-e Reut Ain-mut uf I'ay and Aikiwau.-es of
every kind uetu.iii.. ruL-.-.ved by uhu in
ado: tion t<> the Prorits uf his Office.
i. i i . . . . H'hether the Principal
Dare uf i'.z,.
I er'.uil >iui'iii.
which the
, .. . . .
. euiovs anv, and wuat other Appointmeuc
Officer ua» ' -
. ri
""JIL" '*
Advauta-je or Prolit. . under the
Islaml 11 i - T-I
duriti" rli •
be stated ;n
l > a n d
the i.re'.'C-liii''0:'l'jiiuii. * *uve.-:.me'.::.
£ **. cp.
12 10 06
5 0 Oc
2 13 4d
1 5 od
; 23 6 oe
Is SherifE of the District. Receiver of
Wrecks. Marriage Officer. Retristrar of i
Births aud Deaths. Deputy Marshal of
Vice-Admiralty C o u n , Coroner, ic.
£n a year allowance for ZJ-.:__.C ia char;*!
of Krdokedara Nahie'a
Dec. 9, 1903
. *.
March I, 1399
May a, 19u7
Sepc. 1. 1908
I Jan. I, 13JJ-J-/'
i Aug. 1. 1393
', July l.i, 1392
i Julv 13. 1378
! AprU 23. 1901
, Aug. 10, 1909
2 10 06
Is SlieriS ot tin DUtric-.. Rect:*"»r )'. "Vr-eii.
Marriafs Oficer. Kff-t.cr-r o: i_-_.s isi D*»::.s.
Deput- ilirsu»i ot VictAJ'siral:- - ) - : : . Coron*-.
Oct. 2. 1908
3 0 0
. Fein 26. 1886
Nov. 1, 1907*
Nov. 1. 1396
I Feb. 3, 1397
' Nov. 10. lyll
! Dec. I. 1911
R E M A R IvS—continued.
f Was employed as Paymaster in the Public Works Department from March. 1S80 to Slst August, 1S^3.
g Includes £ 1 2 personal alllowance.
h Salary beyond £ 1 3 2 personal to M r . Penziehis.
i W a s eniofoved in Cuscoms DeDarcnoetic from Jun••. lfbH to Sentembe'-. IOO*.
l-> A