i Amount of
Fees during
the Veur.
••Vhetuer the VVhe* her the Office be heii by Principal !
l*r:ii..-:p». •«- in oonj-nc'ititi with anr. an.l vrliat ,
alloweil a
other <*r:*r*. 1. Militarv. or Naral Ottlci- <tr ' Pinod during
App.intuient or L'lace .>: Profit :u 1117 -vnich the
for his pervmal Colony, or on the Establishment of tho j Officer ha*
Residence; or Uuit'-d b".inv-doni.
1 been Absent
[i iiiv Office be held br JL Military or [ from the
Naval Officer. **/hether
upon Full or
if an*-.
Half Military or Xaral'Pay. the T*»tal i daring the
for House P.-mt' Amount of Par aud Aliowances of j Tear.
eri-r** icinii actually rucei-.-<•-1 by him in '
addicion to the I'rotifs -it his Otfice.
Whether tMTrincipai
enjoys any, and -.vhat other
AdTanta^e or Profit,
uot required to be stated in
j the precediuj; Column*.
Dace or r'init
under the
£ *. cp.
Houses. Nicosia
ar.d T.
Quarters in
Gort. Hou«e
8 0 0//
1 17 OA'
1 I 0A|
1 1 Ohl
Is aiao Clerk to the Executire Council
Is al.«o Translator >>i State
D o c u m e n t s in Chief Secretary's Orfie-e
Is also Chief G r e e k Translator la
Chief Seerecarv's Otfice
Is a Member of die Executive aad
Legislative Councils
Receives Arrav Retired Pav
Feb. rr, to
Mar. 6, UH*
Is also Turkish Translator to the
Leeialative Council
I? also Greek Translator to the
Lesrislatire Oaneil
Oct. 12, 1911
Receives £?/.) per annum Oct. 12, 1911
as Clerk-of the
Executive Council
; Mar. 9, 1905
Receives £62 per aunum July 14, 1902
remuneration for work in
Chief Secretary's Oftic*-
... "
Aug. 21. tS7>
A-Til 8, l-*<«2 "
April 6, 1911 a
Jun.** 8, 1900 b
April 28.«We.
l>-c. 9. I39o
N..v. 2. 1U10
Jan. 9. 1893
May I. 1903
Mar. o. 1906
April 1, 1912
Aug. 21. 1878
Dec. 24. 1879
Aprils. 1982
!•<••*-. 1!. 1882
Recsive* an aJlowa-.tt-r "May 15, I90o
nf 2ep. a day .turin*****
~.^I*oodo-* -.i-asoi
! Dec. 2. I«*04
j ... i Jan. 1. 1911
R E M ARKS—anttuned.
e Includes £18 personal allotvunce.
/ W a s formerly a Zaptieh.
g For translation work in connection with the Cyprus Journal.
h For can-vine out the rlnties of Messen?*-•'- to v.- l.-.'islarive rVmnril.