N a m e of Eodr aad
unci-er which 43t.i,bii*-hed.
Marhcipal Council. Xio,
sir.. Elect*-i uii'Iei* ti.
Municipalities Amen-;
me::: Law. L'07.
•/.vers a::-.!
Ti-e Municipal C - ;ncii> i**r C o m -
r.y--!'-n>. a-
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case nn. •: are '*:.i.:*'_e'
...i tlie geii'.r.'i sup'-:*::.*. ;:;ue!ice a::
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Tow:;. Vii:;.-.'-;
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iVolic -.-,:-: e m
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'i'iicir ur.:.-:- m c ;•.
T h e coi..-'ni'.*ti'-:;
uf s U V u t s . ' rei: sp;-ce
and plantations, sewt*--
fi-untains. p:v>;?s an*.
T h e lighting of the Municipal area.
Tiie cleaning of all streets a n a • •* ei;
spaces. am.1 tne removal •,:' night *-'.•:' a n d
refuse of house-*.
T h e provision of a, •_- o d a n d -ntricen*:
supplv uf warei* for the use of persons
dwellum within the Muuicii.ial limits.
ie j
•rovj-rinn or
noUSeS ::
*._\:ter of an:::.
Muuicipal Council. Mor–
phou. Elected nnder the
MunicipaUties A m e n d -
menc Law, 1907.
cue regulation of the
for food.
'i'he establishment and regulation of
markets, and the regulation of the sale
of perishable goods aud inflammable and
explosive sulstance:*.
The inspection of food offered for sale
and the destruction of such as is unfit for
The supervision of weights and i
measures and the provision of Public i
weighers and measurer-
" The prevention of noxious and offeii-.
sive trades and the abatement of nuisances.
The regulation ofthe construction of
buildings and the demolition of buildings
untit for habitation or in a dangerous con–
'The provision of storage accommoda–
tion for inflammable and explosive Sub–
And generally the doing of snch acts
as will promote the health, comfort and
convenience of the people residing within
the Municipal limits.
For these purposes the Municipalities .
have power, with the approval of the
High Commissioner, to impose rates and
other fees anrl charges as set one under
"Sources of Revenue" and to make Bye-
Laws for regulating the various matters
coming within the scope of their functions.
.Muiik:r,a". Limits.
A circle drawn at a dis-
ia••<•.••• of «>')•" yards beyond
the -alien: angles or the
; •:*--:ions <.•:' the fortificn-
ti'.-ns i r'-ih 'jrder of Hisi:
i.'i.:::::.issi'.'ner in Council
Xo. 2'. of 2.:ii June. l***-2.
published ::i Cr"rr//cXo. SS
i.-f 2-xh June. ISS:.'i. as
'.;-.-•::•.-'"; by boundary stones
set un in accordance with
:':.•.- ••rovisioiis of Order of
llii':, Commissioner in
Cm:.cii X'.'. 46'* of 1-S:h
in the Cj/pi'ns Gazette Xo.
0:^; of 24th December.
i 'iu->.
Municipal Council, Lefka.
Elected uuder the Muni–
cipalities Amendment
Law, 1907.
The Town of Morphou
(ride Order of High Com–
missioner iuCouncilXo. 128
of "26th October, 18«S, in
Gtzette Xo. 271 of 2nd
November, 1888).
The Town of Lefka (includ–
ing Apliji) and the lands
attached thereto except such
as are within 200 vards of
the seashore.
soiircvs or BpTvune. I; rstri
>;ati- amount, an i •)- f'. r.
cla-- uf property
Rates on proper:*'
within the M'.u:ici;*a;
limits, but. t-i'Cer; ;*.
rare instance--. ;'.:•.*.; ;'.
rate has !;n: be-.-:. :..-
pus-.-i. fees on :.:.
slaughtering o: :-.:.'.•
mals. to!i> nnd :.'.-
iau'esin markets, ".u..
on trade? a::d *.•*.*•.."r*-
Sions, weigmusr a::*:;
measuriug fee;. :.-•-«
for storage of iuiiaii:-
mabie and explosive
substances, fees for
building permits and
legalization of eon-
tracts, rents of M:~":i*
cipal properties and
tines aud peiialt.rS
from prosec:*: ;•:•-
under the Municipal