PARCEL POST—-continued.
27. The sender of each parcel will be required to fill ap a Custom House Declaration Form
which may be obtained at any Office where Parcel Post business is conducted. Cpon tuis form
mast be given an accurate statement of the contents and value, date of posting, and the sender'.
signature and address.
2.S. Parcels from Foreign Countries, if undeliverable. will be retained at a Post Office for
a period not exceeding three months, and demurrage will only accrue when parcels may,
under special instructions, have to be retained longer. The charge for demurrage will be at the
rate of lcp. per diem.
20. Parcels on arrival here from Foreign Countries will be liable to examination by an
Officer of Customs, who will assess the amount of Customs dues to be charged thereon. The
Customs dues will i-e collected at the time of dehvery. and no parcel can be delivered until the
Customs charges are paid.
30. Parcels found to contain forbidden articles and parcels, the contents and value of which
have been falsely declared, may be dealt with according to the laws on the subject. And
•generally the senders of parcels, whether in Foreign Countries or Cyprus, will be req uired to
conform to the Customs and other laws or regulations from time to time in force in respect <•.
snch parcels.
31. A parcel which cannot be delivered will be retained at the Post Office to which it is
addressed for a period not exceeding three months: but if possible the sender will be consulted
through the office the Postal of origin, as to its dispcsai.
32. Parcels which cannot be delivered, returned to the sender, or re-directed, aud whici
have thus become undeliverable. will eventually be returned :o the country of origin.
33. Parcels becomi***.-? offensive or injurious to uny Oiccr of the Post Office or other person
or to other parcels will he disposed of as the Isiand r'cstmastcr may direct.
Private- boxes can be rented at the Post Offices Xicosia, Larnaca, Limassoi. Famagusta^
Papho and Platres. at the undermentioned rates:—
Class A.
.. B.
£1 per annum or 2s. per mensem.
ly*. per annum or 1*. per mensem.
The above r>avme*::s must be made in advance ar.d :*.o person will be allowed the use of a
box until he hasfirstpaid therefor Ln accordance with the a'-ove scale.
2. A kev with a nnmber label will be supplied :•:• each renter of a box on his depositing with
the Clerk in Char-re the sum of 4s. which will be returned ir" the renter, on ceasin*.* to rent his
box. -rives back his key and number label. The renter -vi'.". be responsible for the safe custody of
the key and label.
In the event of a key being lost another key will be supplied to the renter on his depositing a
further sum of 4s. which will be returned if the lest key is given back to the Clerk in Char-re
within one month from the date when the new key was supplied. If the lost key is not given
back within this period the deposit will become forfeit.
3. The Island Postmaster, if he thinks proper, may refuse to allot a box to an applicant
without assicninj any reasons for so doing, or may withdraw tbe privilege of renting a box by
to the renter a month's notice of his in tentic*: to do •*-*. Any balance of rent which may
be due to tbe renter at the expratio:* of such period shall be refunded.
Notification No. 6018
published in Gazette
No. 724 of Jlrh Apr",
1902. C S . 2407H901
i A