PARCEL TOST.—continued.
1. The expression " Parcel" means any packet which is transmitted by the Post between
certain places within the Island of Cyprus or to parts beyond the seas, and which bears the
words " Parcel Post." or is otherwise marked for transmission as a parcel, or is prepaid in
accordance with the rates of postage hereinafter m--ntioned, and is tendered for transmission
as a parcel.
2. N o parcel shall be conveyed by Parcel Post the dimensions of which shall exceed in
length three feet six inches cr exceed six feet in length and girth combined, or which shall exceed
in weight eleven pounds.
P L A C E S F O R P O S T I N G .
3. The places in the Island of' Cyprus where Parcel Post business will be transacted are
Larnaca. Nicosia. Limassoi, Famagusta. Papho. Kyrenia. Polemidia and the principal villages,
and. during certain of the summer months, Troodos and Platres.
4. Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post will be accepted at any of the
offices previously named during the hours the offices are open for the transaction of ordinary
postal business. Farcels must not be posted in a Letter-Box. but must be taken into a Post
Office and handed ov-r the counter to the officer on duty thereat: and a parcel should not be left
until the weight, size and postage have been tested by the clerk at the counter. If any such
parcel shall be I-ft at a Post Office without l*eing so measured and weighed, and shall not l»ear
the proper amount of postage stamps u p m it. the parcel shall \xxt detained, and may be given up
to the senders thereof or otherwise disposed of as circumstances may require.
o. Parcels intendine to be despatched to places outside Cvprus must be posted in tim* tu
reach the office where the Parcel Mails arefinallymade up at least one clear day before *.h*-
steamer sails.
A D D R E S S .
C. Parcels should be plainly directed and bear the words " Parcel Post" in the left-hand
7. Parcels must br securely and substantially packed by the sender.
•*-*. It shall 1-e pr 'hibited to forward parcel? winch I-ear on the outside any writing or
drawiiiir of an ind*-*.---'*:: or offensive nature or withk. which any contents of a like nature may be
observed, and parcels c-n:ain:ni: irunpowder. car:rid_---s. ln-.-ifer matches, or anything explosive or
liable to sudden c->mbn>tio:*. bladders containing liquid, live animals, grossly offensive or filthy
matter, and anything in a condition likely to injure aLer parcels or any Officer of the Post Office.
•j! Parcels contaiiihi*.-fish.game. meat. eg'-", etc.. or razors, scissors, .needles, knives, forks.
or otiier sharp instruments will not be accepted unless securely packed so as to guard against risk
or injurv to other parcels. Liqn'ds or semi-liquids, such *.? jellies, pickles, -mint, varnish, etc.,
will noe" be ace-:-;:-": tudess in bottles or cans secur-.-'.y st-pr-ereu. nor powders unless so packed
that they cami't escape in transmission.
lo. Parcels shall not contain a letter, packet -.r parcel intended for delivery at an address
other than tha: "-.-rue on the parcel itself.
11. It is al- • pr"L:i'it--d to semi to the l'nited KiuL'dotn foreign reprints «-f British re*_
copvr:<:ht works, false money, counterfeit, sterling a:.: British silwr coin below standard, tobacco
stalks."clc-cks. watches arid metals irenerally bearin:* imitations of British assay marks or stamps.
Tobacco (iin-lusive of cigars and siiutf'i in small packag-.s. such as could b
contained in a
Postal Parcel, cannot be forwarded. Consideration will, h-wever. l>e -_'iven in the case of any
such packaire ir" intended bona.fide for the jifisi-nat e::>uu!p:ion of the addressee.
12. Parcels re-directed from one Post Office to another in Cyprus shall be liable to
additional postage at the full inland rate for '-ach r-.-diiv* tion. Persons desiring parcels to be
re-directed will l- required to rill up a special form for the purpose, or state clearly by lector chat
thev wish this to 1* done, otherwise the parcels will not be forwarded.
13. In anv r-i-..- wi:ere it may be found nece-ss-try or expedient for the safety or protection
of parcel.*- that "anv parcel should lie forwarded by vine later despatch chan that for which it was
posted."the parcel may be delay to the next subsequent despatch. In exceptional case?, for
instance, during storm's in winter, the delay may be l-^_'er.
NotiScation No. ".
publisLetl in Gazette
No. 185 of 19tb Deeem-
ber. Izziz). as amended
bv Order of High Com–
missioner No. 429 of
22nd May, 1907. pub-
iisbed in Gazette No.
SS9 of 14th June. 1907.