A m o u n t of
Fees during
the Vear.
Whether the
Principal i<e
allowed a
for his personal
Residence: or
I what
if »ny.
for House Kent
".Vheui'.-r the Ortice li- he! *. br Principid
in exjunction with any. anil what
other '.iri'. Military.or Naral Ollice or
App-Ontnient or Place of Prorit in a n ;
Colony.nr on the hOsta'o'i-nment of the
Unic-d Kin-7«ionj.
If th>- Oiti-V be heid br a Military or
Naral Orticer. whether upon FuU or
Half Military or "S'aral Pay. the Tula!
Anmiint nf Pay and A..oirances of
m-r.T'r kinii actually ree-.-r-'r i by his: :z
audition to the I'r-int.- •;: -:s O'dicr.
Period during
which tne
Orticer naj
been Absent
from the
• iurin*? -.se
Whether the Pr:-cipal
on;•-.;•- any. and w',___,_ other
Advantage or Prorit.
re-:uixed to be stated in
tr.-: LT-cedine '-'oiumns.
Date of First
under the
a *•*.
Hous-H. N r ?ir.
and Troc-r.s
Quart.--. *• :n
Gort. E&U5-:
1- also '"'. :k t«. the li:;-•--_;:,-- Council. .r.
L.-r'-tci.-n: '•"•rd t'arca.iuii. Non'oil; Pri.-*.
Ore. 17. 1904
Dec. 12. 1902
Mar. 9, 190-5
I? al-o Translator of State
Documents iu Chief "Secretary's Otfice
Is aLo Chief Greek Translator in
Chief Secretarr'* Otfice
Receives £60 ptr annum July 14, 1902
remuneration for -xork in
Chief Secretarv's Office
... '
An?. 21. 1ST*?
April 3, 1**2
Is a Member of the Executive and Au?. S,
14 0 C";
' 2 0 0/i
1 0 OA
Legislative Councils
Armv Retired Par £200 a rear
Is alio Turkish Translator co the
Legislative Council
I« also Greek Translator to the
Leeislative Coancil
Xov. 13. 1910
Jan. 7. to
Mar. 22,1911
Oer. 27, 1906
June 3, 1900 b
April 28,1897 c
Dec. 9. 189o
Xi.v. 2. 1910
Jau. 9. 1893
Mar 1, 1903
Mar. 5. 1906
Oct. 19. 1908
Aug. 21. 187S
Dec. 24. 1S79
April 8. 1S82
Dec? 11. 1882
Receive* :in allowance M a y 15, 1905
of 2cp. a day during
Troodos fn-a-or.
- ...
Dec. 2. 1904
J-.in. 1. 1911
e Includes £ 1 2 personal allowance.
/ TTas former!v a Zt.-o:
m - m
o F o r translation xo.-k :: counv-.tion with tin.- <.' lournai
h For oarrrim; out th-- iutiv? of M-.sscmrei* t.> tiir L-.-^ishu.'ve C.>uu<.*ih