Date ot the L a w or
*-. -'
9th Jane, 1909.
17th July, 1909.
17th July, 1909.
17th July, 1909.
26th July, 1909.
4th August. 1909.
4th August. 1909.
31st August, 1909.
31st August, 1'JOO.
27di October. 1909.
27th October. 1909.
27ch October, 1909.
27th (Vtober. I'M)'.).
_7cli i ><:cober. 190'.).
loch February, I'J 10.
lith -February, i'jil).
loch April.
I* Ise A [U-i I.
1-J-ch Dec-em iier.
1Tcii Jaunarr.
16cli March.
LAWS, 1909.
No. I. — T o -appropriate a sum not excelling Two Hundred and
Thirty-Four Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety-Nirte*"
Pounds to the Service of the Twelve Months ending •'
the Thirty-First Day of March, in the Year of our Lord
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten.
No. II. — T o make further provision for the twelve months ended on
the thirty-first day of March, 1909.
No. IIL — T o further continue in operation the Steam Engines (Fuel)
Law, 1906.
No. IV. — T o abolish Sentence of Death in the case of Children and
Young Persons.
No. V. — T o provide for the Regulaciou of Motor Vehicles.
Xo. VI. — T o amend the Vehicles and Traffic Regulation Law, 1907.
No. VII. — T o amend che Game and Wild Birds Protection Law, 1906.
No. VIII.—To amend che Immovable Propercy Registration and Valua–
tion Law, 1907.
No. IX. — T o provide for che Carrying of Lights upon Vehicles after
No. X. — T o further continue iu operation che Ecclesiastical Proper–
ties Law. IS'.i:'*.
No. X L — T o provide for che Preservation of Fish in certain waters of
die Isiand for die purpose of preventin*- che spread of
N o . X I I . — T o repeal che Limassoi .Subsidy L a w . 18'J."*.
N o . X I I I . — T o a m e n d die L a w relating co Weighing or Measuring and
TesdiiL- by Municipalicies of Crude Spirit.
No. XIV.—To amend die Field Watchmen Law, 18%.
L A W S , 1910.
No. XV. —For the Prevention of Crueltv co Animals.
Ni>. XVI.—Tu amend the Malicious Injury to Propercy Law, l«94.
Legislative Council. I'jo'j Session
Locn.sc Destruction Expenses. 1909.
Cyprus Courcs of Justice A m e n d m e n t Order. 1'JO'J.
Preparation of Lists of Voters.
Legislative Council, I'.MO Session.
Transmitted to England
from time to time as under
No. 116 of 17th
June, l§09.
No. 150 of 30th
July, 1909.
No. 143 of 24th
July, 1909.
No. 144 of 24th
July, 1909.
No. 162 of 12th
August, 1909.
No. 179 of 8th
September, 1909.
No. 167 of 20th
August, 1909.
No. 187 of 17th
September, 1909.
No. 205 of 7th
October, 1909.
Xo. 217 of 29th
October, 1909.
No. 219 of 29th
October. 1909.
No. 220 of 29th
October, 1909.
Xo. 218 of 29th
October, 1909.
No. 206 of 29th
Occober, 1909.
No. 34 of 24th
February, 1910.
No. 3.5 of 24th
February, 1910.
No. 946 of 16th
April. 1909.
No. 947 of 30th
Aprii, 1909.
No. 964 of 24th
December, 1909.
No. 966 of 21st
January, 1910.
No. 970 of ISth
March, 1910.