- R A T E S O F POSTAGE—continued.
N o packet >af'• Newspapers, commercial papers or printed papers must eiceed 5lbs. in
weight, and the weight of a packet of patterns is'limited to 12 ozs. Thesize of ii packet of
patterns is limited to 12 inches in length, 8 inches in width, and 4 inches in depth. ,
If only partly prepaid they will be chargeable -on delivery with double the deficiency of
postage ; if unpaid they will be stopped.
The undermentioned articlea are excluded from transmission at the rate applicable to printed
papers :—
Postage stamps, whether obliterated or not, and in general all printed articles constituting
the sign of a monetary value.
Printed Papers and Commercial Papers must be posted either withont *:^co^^«" HMin
unfastened envelope, or in a cover which can be easily removed for the purpose of examination
without breaking any seal, or tearing any paper, or separating any adhering surfaces. A packet
posced without a cover may not be fastened or otherwise treated so as to prevent easy examination.
It may, however, be secured with string.
In order to secure the return of packets wiiich cannot be delivered the names and addresses
of the senders should be printed or written outside.
Commercial Papers comprise all papers or documents written or drawn wholly or partly by
hand (except letters or communications in the nature of letters, or other papers or documents
•laving the character of an actual ami personal correspondence), documents of legal procedure.
Deeds drawn up by public functionaries, copies of or extracts from Deeds under private seal
written on stamped or unstamped paper. W a y Bills, Bills of Lading, Invoices, and other
documents of a mercantile character, documents of Insurance and other public Companies, ail
«cinds of Manuscript Music, the Manuscript of Booia and other literarv works, letters and post–
cards of old dace which have already served their original purpose, and* pupils' exercises either in
original or with corrections, but without any comment on the work and other papers of a similar
Proofs of printing or of music may bear corrections with a pen aud mav have manuscript
annexed to them • circulars, etc.. m a y bear the signature of the sender, his trade or profession
piace of residence and a date. A hook of Christmas and N e w Year's cards mav have a dedication
or coiuplimentarv inscription iu manuscript and printed or lithographed stock or share lists, pries
current ami market re*M-its may have the prices added iu writing. Compliments not to exceed
rive words may he written on visiting cards sent at the Book rate of Postage. Mechanical repro-
""'"~ "'
'"•"' ''"'" ••"'• ••'
~iptor type-written original may passu* printed papers
Albums containing photographs may pass as printed
duct-ions i not less than 20) of a manuscript tvpe-writteu original mav'pas as printed naiii- s
ir nam ied over the Post Office Counter,
M I - * - —
••• :••; '• •'-
' ' '
Rates of postage collected upon correspondence exchanged within the Isiand of Cyprus.
Letters, for everv h oz.
- -
... ...
For a post-card
For a reply post-card
Authorised post-cards of private manufacture authorized bv the Rand
Postmaster are permitted to pass at the rates fixed for official post-cards.
F>r a single newspaper and its supplement not exceeding 2 ozs. in weight
Printed matter aud books, for everv 2 ozs. ..."
For regiscrati-'ii
Acknowledgement .,f receipt of a registered article
.70 p.
Order of Hi-jh Commis–
sioner in Council. No.
7.36ft of :><">cli June. 1905.
published in Gazette No.
-S23 oc" 30th June. Il)u5.
Order••-' 'dlzh Commis-
siuii--r in Conned. N n .
t-H .c l'.»th raiuiary,
I'-'OS. published iu
Gazer-e N*u. i»0-i of "Hth
Januarr. 100$.
e ;ire
^ "" '^
«» <*«-» ta-« -ri-hm <i»
For a parcel uot exceeding -] !hs. iu weigbc
For a parcel exceeding 3 lbs. but not exceeding 7 lbs. in weight
For a parcel exceeding 7 lbs. but not exceeding ll ll*. in weight...
3. Cp.
0 2
0 4
0 6
Orderof Hitrh Commis.
-loner in Council. N o
--29 of 22nd Mav.
published in Ga'zette'So
33'J of 14th J
u n e - 19o7