C OU R T FEES—continued.
S".- - S H E W C O U R T FEES.
{Tliepinstif referred to in this return is the silver piastre, at the rate of 6 to a shilling.) '*
O n issue of H a m
2 ^ per cent, on amount-for which H a m is given.
For an order in •* Bi Vedjhi-Sheri " cases (i.e., cases which the claim is rejected as bad at
2 ^ *>ef cent, of amount claimed if not exceeding 20,000 piastres ; and in claims exceeding
that sniu, 2.V per ceut. for thefirst20.000 piastres and 1 per cent, on the remainder.
For an ordef in •' Bila-Beyin-i-Sberieh " cases (»".«., cases in which the claim is rejected
on failure to proiiuce evidence ). I per ceut. on amount claimed up to 20,000 piastres, and in
cases where the amount claimed exceeds 20.000, I per cent, on the first 20,000 piastres and
-V per cent, ou the remainder.
In cases settled out of Court, for a Sened given on application of plaintiff, 2.V per cent:
upon the amount for which the case is so settled, but on application of defendant "for a Sened-.
2J* per cent, on the difference between r.he amount claimed and that settled upon up to 20,000
piascres. aud oue per cent, ou the sum iu excess of 20,000 piastres.
O n settlement of marriage contract, 24 per cent, on the amount of the Mouadjel and
H a m s for divorce. 21 per cent, on the suras mentioned in the marriage coutract.
Hodjets ap|iointing
representatives of lunatics, lost persons and old people, in dotage,
5 to :•«)
of Cadi.
H< nijets resjieetiug the
gift or acknowledgment of property, 2 per cent, on the
value "f rhe property iu .picstion.
Ilams and orders regurding inheritance. I-J* per cent, ou value of the inheritance.
Order appointing Vekil iu the matter of real property, •>*.
F>'i- wills drawn up before the Sheri Court. 20 per 1,0oo on amount mentioned in will.
F-.r Hodjets proTing tiie will, after deduction of one-third of the succession received by
executor. 2: per cunc ou the remainder, but f the third has been disposed of. 40 piastres only
O u sales. 20 'ler
on value *, on declarations of mortgage, e t c 10 per 1,000 on value.
Hodjets for division of real property, Yakouf, Mulk or Arazi 15 per 1,000 on value of same.
Hodjets for s-ile or disposal of property of insane people
minors. 1.1 per 1000 on
•in Valiheh
i the Sheri Court. 2; percent, on the value of the object made
Yakoiif i|> to 20.U0D piastres •. Leyoud this sum k percent.: one-third of the fee so taken will
beiong :•> (.'lerk and i.Vgisrrar.
For Ilams changing \"akoiifs from Idjarc-i-Vahide to fdjareteiu. 2.k per cent, on
_]/.ni,i..'_'m--i.. A n d for .••".changing Vaijf property with Muik. '2k percent.
For H a m s fm*' the appointment of Muderris. Sheik, [mum. Khatib. Mouezzin. Devri-
iv'.ia:: ".nd Mich iike oilices. !'.-..m 2l tn 20!) piastr-s. discretionary with Cadi.
For H a m s of appoiu*m--ut is .Muia'.vili. /^ivicdar. Mezraadar. Mulikhaue and such ;ike
appt'iiitiiie'.it.s. a fee >iot exceeding 2"> per cent. •->f tiie yeariy personal prorit bv rhe aii[iointment.
For docuiie-nr-- containing information respecting appointments, etc.. an office fee
i K.'.'.i-::'.;- nor. .*xecediug .K- piastr'-s.
au extract or a copy ot ,,n Tlam. H..<ljet, Vak.ie'u. or other document, where the conv
doe-- '.!••: -iceed ! :J0 words Is. and
every additional 100 words or part thereof 4icp.
F"r making an inventory of the estate of a deceased Moslem who has died leaving heir*
•r.id-rr i-.-ao.'iiry 2.V per
upon the uett vaiue of the immoveable propertv wiiich forms the
suai*e f each heir under disability.
For au order appointing guardian of minors, their subsistence, certificates of majoritv,
etc.. 10 :o ;'() piastres according to the case as - Kalemie" and " Ivaidie, "
For an order for the loan of properties of orphans or of the Evcaf, 1 per cent, on the
amount : on renewing the order. 4 per cent.
•^n examination and revision of rhe accounts of .-states of minors, even* three vears or at
longer intervals, if a --m-plus
accrued. 2.1 ner I.(KM) on the surplus after the deduction of all
expe**.-----*.. If the examination s aiade after .-ne year, one-third or tiie fee and two-thirds if "he
• •ra':..::ui "H •« made after two years, [f there is uo surplus then a fee is taken as ** l\;i
Law of 16 Sefer, 1276,
Desw-ur Vol. L, p.
Ott. Vol.
II., p.
L a w No. 13 of 1898.
L a w it 16 S
r. 127G,
} T>.*-t..ur Vol. I., p. 301.
/ Le«.Urt..Voi. II.. D . 3 3 0 ,
Law No. 13 of
If the capital does not exceed—
10.000 piastres -
30.000 pi;Lstn-s - . . .
and !0 piastr'-s for each 20.000 up to 1 .'.0.000 piastres.
Above 110.000 piastres
. . . .
10 piascres
20 piastres
': ......v of !•> Sefer. 1276.
•. Destour Vol. I., p. 301.
, Le-,'. Ott.. Vol. IL.p. 333.
i r'
OU '--.-
- 1.10 piastres
'•"•!• inventories of properties of lost people, lunatics and old people in dotage 1 ner cent
. able of the same.
~ »••-•••
for spinsters. 10 piastres, for widows
O n the issue of a summons to a party in an actiou or to a witness
o piastres.
•1 mastres.
| Law of U Mouharrem,
. Pestour Vol \