Amouut of
Fee* durin s*
the Tear.
Whether the
• Principal be
allowed a
for his penonal
Rcitidence; or
if any,
for House Rent
Whether the Otfice be held hy Principal
in conjunction with auy. aud what
other Oiril, Military, or Naral Office, or
Appointment or Place of Prodt in auy
Colouy, or on the Establishment of the
United Cingdom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
Naral Officer, whether upon Full or
Half -dilitary or Naval Pay, the Total
Amount of Pay and Allowances of
•very kind actually receired by him in
addition to the Profits of his Office.
Period during
which tbe
Officer haa
been Absent
from the
durin-- the
Whether the Principal
cujnyi* any, aud what other
AdranUM**c or Profit,
not required to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
O.ite of Kfrst
under the
IK land
£ s. cp,
Fnrmj-e Allowance 2/- a day ;
460 a year from Irrigation
Funds and 440 a year as
Offioer in Charte ot R.E.
Works from W.O. Fonda
Forage Allowance
2/- a day
Forage Allowance
ij- a day
• Forage Allowance 2 -
per diem
j Forasje Allowance
I/- a day
; Receives i!:* Allowance
i for servant and c-mmissiou j
on .-ales nf Ali mals anil i
F'>r«*""t Pr'.ilm-i*
May 16, 1898
April 1. 1880
April 9. 1904
Dec. 17, 1909
April I, 1884
Sept., 1897
Jan. 11, 1897
Jan. 1. 1899
April 1. 1885
May 15, 1898
Jan. 24, 1900
May 15, 1898
Feb. 14. 1899
June 15. 1900
Jan. il), 1906
July. 1902
May 15. 1898
Jan. I. 1908
Nov. 6, 11)06
Sept. 26, 1907
June 24. ly09
liar. 12, 1900
Aug., 1901
April I. 1!)U4
Feh. 1, 1901
Fi-i.. I. 1901
Dec. I. 1900
Aug. 2. 1901
Nov. 4. 1901
Nov. 10. 1901
Nov. 1. 1903
Sept. 6, 1909
Sepc. I, 1906
April 15, 1903
26 A