Amount nt
Fee-- dunug
the Vear.
Wlnthcr rhe '
I'nni'tnul Im
allowi-d i
t'i>r his ncrv.ual
[«-iideiiee: or !
•mat j
Allowance, i
if any.
fur HIMUM- Rent.
• •r
Wh.-ther the otliee he held by Priqcrpal i
'ii i.-iiiijuiictiuu with any. and w m u |
• •rln-r i "iril. Military, nr Naval wtfice nr i
Aiiimiiitiiieiit nr I'lace of Profit iu auy
• .'inaiiiy. urnn nic Establishment ••[ the
L'iiitiii Ivinvlum.
it rhe «»lti.e i-e held hy a Military or
"sural i itticvr. wuctuer upon Full nr
Hint Military i.r Naral I'ay, the Total
A nu ni ut nf Pay aud Allowance* of
ererr kind actually receired by inm in
addition tn the Profit* of bis Otfice.
Period • in mil-'
wiueu rue
OiHi*er na.-.
h-*--ii Al—ent
trout rue
dunntr thu
* Vear.
Whether the Principal
enjoy** any, ami what other
Adrantage or Profit
not required to be stated iu
the preceding Columns.
Date of First
under the
£ *. cp.
I 9
i o i Oe
i) .i
5 14 \e
• fie
i 'te
10 1 oc
5 -. 2e
13 '.0 3<-
1 \5 Oe
Utticiai .Member of Legislature Council and
Untish Olegnte uf Erkaf received in respect
uf latter appointment dtUi per annum.
Mar. 1 CO 31,
I'J 10
April I. 09 to
Feb. 11, I'J 10
ISepG. l-l so l**.,
19<>9 i
3ept. "I* to \
.-v. 11, 190'JI
Autr. y co
.Sept. 21. 1909
Nov. 24. I879n
Dec. 13. 1873
April 1, 1H92
1, 1903
April 1, 1905
l»ee. I, 1896A
i July 17, 1890
; Nov. 20, 1903
April 14. 18*0
April I, lyN-i
, Jan. 1, 1904
Sepc. 4, 1890
Oct. 13, I.S94
.Sepc. I !>**4
Oi-C 3. i*s->4
!>ec. 1. J--.94
April :y. i*-'.»7
April I. 1^'**
March I, >79
Jan. 20. 1>**8
Dec. 6, 1901
Uct. I, 1899
Dec. 18, 1901
Oct. 1, 1*^99
Ucr. i. lyos
><-T. I. 1x99
l>CC. *<. l*}91
April 1. I'-•94
June 1. '.**-93
Juiv 13. 1378
li E M A R K>—continued.
c d'.O personal to M r . J<- ajian.
d Includes extra pay £ ! 0 while in c h a r g e of the -Suh-otBce.
* F •*?-> for plans a m i m m - d a t i n g a n d i-opvin-r drM-iirneiir<*.