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?ale of Sale for consumpciou in che Island
.. 38 paras the oke j
>a!c for expire in large quantities. Special arrangemenc wich the Government is made as
regards paymenc.
The following charges are pavable co che Treasurv Clerk of the Districc of Larnaca by
any person scoring gunpowder, carcridges, or ocher explosive subscances in tue Governmenc
Score ac Larnaca:—
2 paras per day, or pare chereof for every 10 okes of guupowder.
4 paras per day. or pare Chereof for every 10 okes of dynamite or ocher explosives.
In che case of scorage race of any explosive substance remaining unpaid for 6 monchs, che
Commissioner may sell a sufficiene qnancicy co cover che arrears of the scorage race.
The Board of Evkaf is encided to store explosive subscances in Che Governmenc Score
wichouc che paymenc of any race.
For scorage of explosives ac Famagusca. See fcoc noce on page 8.
The following fees are payable in respect of animals examined by the Veterinary Surgeon
or hL* depucy prior co shipmenc:—
& s. cp.
For every horse, mule, camel, donkey, ox and pig ... .. ... 0 1 0
For every sheep or goat
... ... ... ..
. . 0 0 2
Orderof High Commis-
J sioner dated 24th Aug
1906. see C S . 2703/06."
I Orderof HighCommii-
'• sioner dated lit Septem–
ber. 1330.
.' H.Q. 2417. P;210'l
I R 29 6.
/ Order of High Com-
I missioner published in
(Gazette So. 796 of lst
July, 1904.
Onier of High Com–
missioner of Sth Febru-
an*. 1904. published in
Gazette So. 732 of 12th
February, 1904.
Order of High Com–
missioner of 20th June,
1904. published in Gaz.
So. 79i) of lst July,
Notice of 12th Sovem-
ber. l'.-06. published in
" Gazette So. 373 of 30th
"Sovember, 1906, p. 6051.
FEES UNDER THE W R E C K S L A W (No. 12) 1SS6. '
For wreck taken by che Receiver inco his custody a commission offivepounds per hundred
pounds on c*ie value thereof, buc so thac che whole amounc of percentage snail noe exceed che
sum of cweucy pounds iu any case.
In che case of derelict delivered inco che cuscody of che Receiver chere shall be charged che
following fees iuscead of percentage, viz.:—
If che ^alue of che ship or boac wich her cargo equals or exceeds £60o. cwo pounds
fi<r che rirst day. and one pound for every suc-sequeuc day during which che Receiver is
em;-loved ou this service.
If che value of che ship or boac wich her cargo is less than £600 pounds, half che above
Buc if che amounc reckoned according co chis Rule exceeds a percentage offiveper
. the lacier race is to be charged.
In cases where any services are rendered by a Receiver in respecc of any ship or boac in
discress. m*i f^ing wreck, or inrespectof the cargo or arcieles belonging chereco, che followin°*
fees shall he charged, viz.:—
If che value of che ship wich her cargo equals or exceeds £600, two pounds for the
firsc day. and one pound for every subsequenc day che Receiver is employed in the service.
If the value of che ship wich her cargo is less chan £600. half che above charges.
To a vainer appoiuced under Seccion 24 of che Wrecks. Law, 18S6. chere shall be paid • publishedin^GaTe'tte>*o!
fees uoc exceetling che following, viz. :—
\ 242 oi the 7th October,
Orderof the Officer Ad–
ministering the Govern.
ment under Sections
20. 24 and 12 of The
_- Wrecks
dated 1st October, 1337,
s. CD
There :he vessel only has co be valued, if the value does not exceed £600 0. 10 0
If che value exceeds £600
Where cargo also has to be valued an addicionai allowance noe to exceed
There .-hall also be charged by the Receiver in respecc of such valuacion the
following few. viz.:—
W h e n cL* value of che whole propercv, boch ship and car°-o does not
exited £600 ... ... " ... ...
. .
When che value of che whole propercy, both ship and cargo, exceeds £600 ...
In c:ises where the Receiver finds it necessary co emplov a valuer to decer-
rniue che value of any propercy in his cuscodv, chere shall be paid co
the* persou employed co value such propertv a fee not exceeding the
. . . . . . .
0 0
0 0
0 10 0
1 0 0
0 10 0
Bnc when che value of the property exceeds £100 chere mav be paid such sum, notexceed-
£1. as may I* considered reasonable according co che special circumscances of che case. '