BOARDS, and anj other Public Bodies in the Island.
Amonnt of
£ s. c.p.
113 9 0
7 19 0
108 7 3i
3 19 0
Total Revenue
Including all other
£ s. c.p.
1,652 1 4
120 4 0
3,118 7 2
1,210 6 3
673 19 4-J-
122 15 Ok
£ s. cp.
1,520 1 3
120 11 8
3,341 7 2
1,215 17 6h
914 5 6£
171 17 0i
Net Amount
£ S. c.p.
306 17 7
7 19 0
3,278 7 5
1.07S 16 1
574 4 8
Governing Body
of, and mode of appointment).
Nicolas D. Themistocles, President.
Michael Nikolaides, Vice-President.
Angelos Sountias
Basilios Mavroyiannes /
Evangelos Hajiioannou > Members.
Antonios Grammenopoulos i
Eustathios EvamjeliJes '
Haji Gabriel Georgiades, President.
Aristodemos G. Georgiades, Vice-President.
Eustathios S. Zares
Constnntinos M. Bavlites
Georgalles Luka Chrysochoos
Koumes Consc. Charalampon
Joseph Geo. Poyatze
Georgios Michael Giailourkou
Emin Hassan Topal Ibrahim .
- Members.
Chriscodonlos Sozo, President.
Mahmud Shevket Vim-President.
Spyros Araouzos
Evgenios N. Zenon
Georgios Th. Rossides
Deuiecrios Hajipavlou
Panagiotis Jacovides
Nicolaos Cl. Lanitis
Raif Ahired Ousta
* Members.
Louts E. Loizou, President.
Lm.-as Georgiou, Vice-President.
Demetrios Solomouides
Polybios Yeorghiou
Charalampos Demecriou
Michalakes Louisides
N. Haji Paraskeva
Mustapha Tayyar
Ahmed Raskh"
Neophytos Nicolaides, President.
Solomon Markides, Vice-President.
Sawjis Nicolaides
Efchy'ooulos Anconiades
Xic.-nlaos Ieropoulos
Hafiz Ramadan
Salih Ibrahim
Mehmed Ratib
Seyyid Ali Mehmed
Elia< Georgiou, President.
Hassan Asrha Terzi Ahmed, Vice-President.
Mehmed Korkud ;
Osman Hassib j
Niazi Hassan ;
Achilk-as Georgiou
Chriscodonlos Georgiou
Spyros Savva
Sawas Giallouros
r Members.
'. * This Recurn of Debt should show the s.une r> irci -ul.irs as che Eteturu of che Puoliu Debc