This section is now considered as part of the Limassol-Papho Main Road and che cnsi
ot the annual repairs is charged against the Public Works Vote.
Sections 2, 3 aud 6 taken over from Erimi Bridge to Omodhos as a Main Trunk Road.
repairs during 1906-07 cost £321 17s. 2cp.
Carriage Roads. (Advanced from Public Works Loan Funds .£8,980 15s. 6c.p.)
Sections 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 now maintained by villagers themselves under the Yill
Road Law.
Good Carriage Road (including the 7-j miles Limassoi Wine Roads, Section 1 now-
considered as part of the Limassol-Papho Main Road).
Fair Carriage Road from Famagusta to Tricomo and on to Rizo-Carpas. — See Nicosia-
Tricomo Road.
Cart Road, practicable infineweather abandoned for maintenance.
Fair Carriage Road, surfaced with gravel for short distance.
Fair carriage Road, surfaced with gravel, etc., for half distance.
Fair l 'arriage Road only metalled as far as Lapithos.
Cart Road. Formation completed though not metalled throughout.
Good Carriage Road as far as Polis and 2 miles bevond. Remainder formed onlv.
Karavastasi—Poumo Road. Fair Carriage Road in fine weather unmetalled.
Bridle Road. This road commences at the village of Aschelia ou the Papho-Limassol
Main Road, and terminates at the village of Kelokedara. Includes £603 os. lc.p. cost
of Bridsre over Gias River.
£2.000 subscribed from Island Funds towards construction of this road in IS7 9. and
£4.910 17s. 4c.p. spent from Island Funds for maintenance 1897-98 to 1907-8.
Balance paid by War Office.
Advanced from Agricultural Bank Funds £349 16s. Oc.p. Good Carriage Road.
,, „ „ ,, £149 16s. 5c.p.