/. CJi.
t. cp.
2.415 0 0
1.158 0 0
11.04S 0 0
4,223 0 0
32 0 0
35 0 0
32 0 0
N 0 R E T U R N S
334 0 0
150 0 0
200 0 0
100 0 0
N O - R E T U R N S
Fees from Fupils
or Voluntary
*. cp.
502 0 0
141 0 0
131 0 0
1.323 0 0
255 0 0
1.313 0 0
t. ep.
4.065 0 0
124 0 0 • 15.3S0 0 0
173 0 0
67 0 0
140 0 0
1.523 0 0
355 0 0
1.313 0 0
T h e T o ^ n and Village Schools prcscrib-;! under the
E-liicari'-n L a w are supported by a.-'t*iiii';iit and
GoT-riKi.-.-nt Grant.
Pri-a:e "••••.-.ols are chiefy small Village Schools not y e :
under the Education L.v.v and supported by the
Voluntary Contributions ot" the Parents.
M o s l e m .-jcoool-*.—Under Voluutary Contributions are
incluie-i £4:'2 alleged to be granted by the Constan–
tinople Education Authorities for the maintenance of
14 Special School* included under Private Schools.
Thi* -.mount m a y only be accepted tvita reservation.
£. V.O p..: I by E v k a f or Municipality F u n i s .
Greek-Chri.**::'an Schools.—Undor Voluntary Contributions.
T i e s*:m £ 1 2 4 represents School .-'ees, a n d Voluntary
Contributions from private subscriptions.
Tz. av-r*-a-:e daily attendance in M o s l e m Elementary
:.l.-.-.'.i --vas 3.4-J0.
A n d in Greek-Christian Schools K'.OOO. Attendances
of Boys and Girls have not been separate!;* recorded.
On: of £131 shetvn as Voluntary Contributions
£71 pnid by Evkaf. These schools are under
rhe control of the Governing Body of Moslem
•Secondary Schools.
( Tlie Rushdie School is supported and controlled
\ bv Erkaf.
The Cvprus Gymnasium is managed by a Com-
rnirree, under the Secondary Education Law.
bur receives a grant from the Government as
a Training School for Masters.
The Girls' School is under the management of
same Committee aud receives a Graut from
the Government as a Traiuiug School for
The High Schools at Larnaca, Limassoi, Fama
gusta and Papho are noe aided by
Government. Thev are governed bv Com-
mitrees under the Secondarv Education Law.
This is a Private School on the lines of an
Engiish Grammar School. The language of
instruction is English, but Turkish, Greek and
French nnd Arabic are also taught, aud boys
of all races are received.