[ 25 ]
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Orderof IJi^ii C'uinnii--
Saie of Salt for consumption in the Island - - - • 38 paras the oke. j ?^
^S. 2^03^'''
( Orderof Hi-h Cotr.ir.is-
Salt for export iu large quantities. Special arrangement with the Government is made as j sioner dated 1st Septem-
regards pavment.
*-er. 1880.
j H.</. 2417. v.210,1
The following charges are payable to the Treasury Clerk of the District of Larnaca by *\
auy person storing gunpowder, cartridges, or other explosive substances iu the Government / Order of Hi-j-h Corn-
Store at Larnaca :—
( missioner published in
/ Gazette Nu. 7'.»<* of lst
2 paras per day. or part thereof for every 10 okes of gunpowder.
I July, 1904.
4 para-- per day, or part thereof for every 10 okes of dynamite or other explo*-ive.«.
', Order of High Com-
l missioner of Sth Febru-
In the caj-e of storage rate of any explosive substance remaining unpaid for 6 month*, the ) an*, 1904. published in
Commissioner mav sell a sufficient quantity to cover the arrears of the storajre rate.
) Gazette No. 782 of 12th
i Order of High Com–
missioner of 2oth Juue,
1904, published in Gaz.
No. 790 of lst July,
T h e following fees are payable in respect of animals examined by the Veterinary Surgeon »
prior to shipment:—
£ s. cp. / Notice of the 30tb
, , ,
, .
„ , « I May, 189$. published in
r or every horse, mule, camel, donkey, ox and pig ... ... ... 0 1 0 (Gazette 597 of 10th
For every sheep or goat
... ... ... ... ... 0 0 2 ^ Jnne, 1398.
For wreck taken by the Receiver into his custody a commission of five pounds per hundred \
pounds on the value thereof, bnt so that the whole amount of perceutage shall not exceed the
sum of twenty pounds in any case.
In the case of derelict delivered into the custody of the Receiver there shall be charged the
followiug fees instead of percentage, viz. :—
If the value of the ship or boat with her cargo equals or exceeds £600. two pounds
for the first day, and one pouud for every subsequent day during which the Receiver is
' employed on this service.
If the value of the ship or boat with her cargo is less than £600, half the above
But if the amount reckoned according to this Rule exceeds a percentage of five per
cent., the latter rate is to be charged.
In aises -where any services are rendered by a Receiver iu respect of any ship or lioat in
distress, nut being urea., ov iu respect of the cargo or articles belonging thereto, the foliowinsr
fees shall be charged, viz. -.—
If the value of the ship with her cargo equals or exceeds *£60'», two pounds for the
first day, aud one pound for every subsequent day the Receiver is employed in the service.
If the value of the ship with her cargo is less than £600, half the above charges.
Orderof the OtBcer Ad–
ministering the Govern–
ment under Sections
20. 24 and 42 of The
• Wrecks LaTv. 1SS6,
To a valuer appointed under Section 24 of the "Wrecks Law, 18S6," there shall be paid published in Gazette So.
fees not exceedinir the following, viz.:—
! 242 of the 7th October,
£ s. cp.
"Where the vessel only has to be valued, if the value does not exceed £C00 0 10 0
If the value exceeds £ GOO
Where cargo also has to be valued au additional allowance not to exceed ... 1 0 0
There shall also be charged by the Receiver in respect of such valuation the
followiug fees, viz. :—
W h e u the value of the whole property, both ship aud cargo, does uot
•Kceed £000 ...
0 10 0
W h e n the value of the whole property, both ship and cargo, exceeds £600... 1 0 0
In eases where the Receiver finds it necessary £9 employ a valuer to deter–
mine the value of auy property in his custody, there shall be paid to
the person employed to value such property a fee not exceeding the
... 0 10 0
But when the value of the property exceeds £100 there may be paid such sum. not exceed–
ing £1, as may be considered reasonable according to the special circumstances of the case.