[ 173 ]
Amount of
Fees during
the Year
in Stci'liii*.-
• • •
W h e t h e r the j W h e t h e r the Office lie held by Principal
Principal be
in conjunction with auy, a n d w h a t
allowed a • .ther Civil, Military, or N a v a l Office or
Huu*o | A|i|ioiiitiiicnr or Place of Profit in any
for his
"ninny, or cm the Establishment of the
lieM'h'iice : ov l'nited K i n e d o m .
w h a t j li the Otlicu he held by a Military or
Allowance. ' Naval Oilicer. whether u p o n Full or
it* any.
Half Militarv ur Naval Pay. 'he Total
for Il"tt-v.' U'jnt A m o u n t nl* Pay a n d Allnwau<.--> ot*
j every kind :u tnullv received by him in
aihlition t • the i'rulit-. of his OlKco.
Free quarters
£ 6 house
\ Receive an allowance for forage cal–
culated at the rate paid locally per
diem for 3 okes of barley nnd 5
• okes of straw; also 10s. a "year for
repair of saddlery; £ 1 4s. a "year for
shoeing; and £ 1 a year for dete–
rioration of horse.
Perioil during'
wliich the
Oilicer haw
been A1went
flinn duty m i
half-pay leave
iluiiti'.' the
W h e t h e r the Principal
! enjoy any. an.l what other
Advantage or Prolit,
nor required to be staled in
tiie pl'ecedin.' (.'oliliiiliti.
Ail'i'.vanri; for f.irn-.-e at rate
jiii.l l-MMlly to treo|KTS nml,
yearly, it**.'!).* lailillcry, £ 1 *».
f-T -*io»-'ni* nn-l £ 1 (or deteri–
oration of iiorm.
A U o i m u e e for (••r.-n.-e nt rate
paid locally to trno-wr-i ami,
yearly, ]0i. for n.Mlery. J-- **•
lor fii.-elng and £ 1 for deteri-
oruiioi. of lior-e.
Dade of First
1 under the
1 T , ,
Nov. 1, 1900
May 9, 1SS2
May 9, 1832
Oct. 19, 1882
Nov. 4, 1880
Sept. 8, 1880
Sept. 9, 1893
Sept. 8, 1893
April 26. 1397
Dec. 7, 1896
May 16, 1S8S
Aug. 1, 1900
June 22. 1903