A m o u n t of
Fees during
the Year
in Sterling
j Whether the
! Principal be
I allowed a
. for his j>crsonal
Residence; or
i what
, Allowance.
i if any.
| for Hnu>y P.ent
V.'hethcr the Office be held by Principal
in conjunction with any, nnd what
other Civil. Military, or Naval Office or
Appointment or Place of Profit in any
Colony, or on the Establishment of the
Uniteil Kingdom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
Naval Officer, whether upon Full or
Half Military or Naval Pay. tho Total
Amount of Pay and Allowances of
every kind actually received by him in
addition to the Profits of his Office.
Period during
which the
Officer iias
been Absent
from duty on
half-pay have
during the
Whether tbe Principal
enjoy any. and what other
Advantage or Profit.
not required to be stated in
tne preceding Columns.
3 Oei
4 IS 3e
2 17 Se,
5 11 6e'
3 <fcj
3 7 4c'
4 6 4c,
3 13 Se
1 4 7e
6 6e
nnirlnl M'lnb'r of tii" Lr'riilativc Counoil & Crici-tli
DcK'pitc oi Lvcuf, recuivin-- lu ruijicci ot tlic latter
np-ioiutuicnt tic. jicr a n n u m
Date of First
under the
Xov. 24, 1S79A
May 14. 1S79
April 1, 1S92
Dec 23, 1S99
April 1, 1905
Dec. 1, 18966
July 17, 1890
Oct. 20, 1903
April 14. 1SS0
April 1, 1884
Xov. I, 1897
Feb. 21, 1S90
Oct. 13, 1394
Dec. 15, 1SS4
Jan. IS, 1S90
April 1, 1S96
July 1. 1S93
April 19, 1S97
Jan. 20, 1SS6
Xuv. 22, 1S99
Oct. 1, 1899
Dec. 6, 1901
Oor. 1. 1S99
Doc. IS, 1901
Aug. 8, 1878
Oct. 1, 1S99
Aug. 15. 1S9S
Fel-. 15, 1892
July 15, 1S93
c £ 3 0 personal to Mr. Jelajian.
d Includes extra pay £]0 while in charge of the Sub-office.
c F • for plans, translating and copying documents.
21 A