t 8 ]
A U T H O K I T Y .
(4). All sovereigns and half sovereigns which are below the least current weight as
defined in "The Coinage Act, 1S70," or are otherwise not legally current in England.
(5). The substance known as Hashish.
(6). Salt other than table and rock salt.
The importation of the under-mentioned goods, articles and merchandise is subject to
the following restrictions:
(1). The importation into the Island of fire-arms, detached portions offire-armsand
side-arms is prohibited except—
(a.) at the ports of Larnaca and Limassoi, and
(b.) without a special license under the hand of the Chief Secretary issued under
L a w 24 of 1S79, sec. 30.
(2). T b e importation of gunpowder (except for the use of His Majesty's Xaval and
Military forces) is prohibited except—
(a.) at'the ports of Larnaca, and Limassoi, and at the last named port the importation
of gunpowder by any person iu any greater quantity than ten okes or twenty-eight
pounds is prohibited, and
(b.) in kegs or barrels of a capacity not exceeding ten okes or in flasks of lib. or of
{lb. except where the High Commissioner has by special permission authorised
the importation in'some other manner.
(3). T h e importation of shot, percussion caps, cartridges (other than ball cartridges)
and side-arms is restricted to the ports of Larnaca and Limassoi.
(4). The importation of ball cartridges or of ball cartridge-cases except for the use of
His Majesty's Xaval and Military forces is prohibited, except—
(a.) at tbe ports of Larnaca and Limassoi, and
{b.) with the special permission of the High Commissioner.
(5). (1). The importation of dynamite, nitroglycerine, gun-cotton, fulminate of mercury
or of other metals or of any kindred substance is prohibited—
(«.) except at the port of Larnaca, aud
(6.) with the special permission of the High Commissioner, such permission being
in writing nnder the hand of the Chief Secretary to Government and subject to
such conditions as the High Commissioner m a y thinkfitto impose.
(2). Gunpowder, Shot, Percussion Caps, Cartridges (ball and shot) Dynamite, Nitro–
glycerine, Guucotton, Blasting powder, Fulmiuate of Mercury or other metals, and
every other substance or preparation used or manufactured for explosive or pyro–
technic purposes, Fog signals, Rockets, Fireworks, Fuzes, Detonators and Ammunition
of all descriptions, including empty cartridge cases, m a y be imported at the Port
of Famagusta by such person or persons as may be authorized in that behalf by
special permission of the High Commissioner given under the hand of the Chief
Secretary to Government, and subject to such limitations as to quantity as the High
Commissioner may seefitto impose; and upon such importation the said articles
shall be landed at'such place and in snch manner as the Commissioner and Principal
Officer of Customs of the District of Famagnsta shall appoint (*).
(6). The landing in Cyprus of cattle, horns, hoofs, bones, fodder, litter or dung from
vessels arriving from places where cattle disease has been publicly notified to exist,
is prohibited.
(7). The importation of hides and skins is restricted to the port of Larnaca (except in
cases where special permission under the hand of the Chief Medical Officer has been
obtained to import them at some other place) and such importation shall, in all cases,
be subject to tbe regulations in that behalf for the time being in force under
L a w 4 of 1880.
(8). The importation of rags aud old clothing into any port or place of the Island of
Cyprus, other than Larnaca, is prohibited, and such importation is liable to be
prohibited in any case in which the Chief Medical Officer or any Officer acting for or
delegated by hiin certifies that the importation of rags or old clothing is likely to be
injurious to the public health.
The importation into the Island of old or Used clothes for the purposes of sale or
commerce is absolutely prohibited.
The importation of saccharine is prohibited except in small quantities not exceeding 21bs.
then ouly with the permission of the Chief Meducal Officer previously obtained iu writing.
The importation of indecent or obscene prints, printings, photographs, books, cards, litho–
graphic or other engravings, or any other indecent or obscene articles is prohibited.
Order of High Com–
missioner in " Council
published in Gnzette No.
692 of 1st March. 19ul,
and No. 813 of 12th
Januarv 1900.
(a) Order of High Com–
missioner in Council No.
359 published in Gnzette
No. 738 of 29th August,
(h) Order in Council Xo.
407 published in Gazettt
No. 843 of 12th Januarv,
Order in Council No.
• 418 publisheil in Gazette
No. S58 of 29th June.
Order in Council No.
374 publisheil in Gazette
No. 774 of 30th Novem–
ber, 1903.
Order in Council No.
366 published in Gazette
No. 756 of 27th .March,
Order in Council No.
390 published in Gazettt
No. 814 of 27rh Januarv,
t*) Permission has been given U- Messrs. Hammer k Thomson, Malta, on behalf of Nobel's Explosive Company, C»la»go-.v. to import
and store in two specially constructed Magazlues, North of Famagusta, any quantity of above Explosives, n. e, 2 in weight 10 tons.
exclnsiue of detonatos. safctv fuze, sporting cartridges, and other accessories such as cables and batteries. (Order of Hi-?h Commissioner of
28th August, 1906, CS. 1873/1904.)