(g). On alienation ( Fees as above, calculated on the registered value of the property
( alienated.
(A). Where the sale j
price is under- > Double the fees, as above sot out, on tlie amount muler.statod.
A C T H O H I T Y .
( Law of 7 Shaban, 1276
'[ (1839), Destour I., p. 209.
Law of 24 Djemazi*
ul-Akhir, 1292 (1874).
Destour III., v.. 458.
III. U p o n registering a transfer by Inheritance :-
( A ) . Of Arazi-Mirie - -
(b). Of Arazie-Mevcoufe -
(c). Of Sirf-Mulk - - - -
- 2* per cent, of tbe registered value.
- 5 per ceut. of the registered value.
- •£ per ceut. of the registered value.
1£ per cent, of the registered value.
\ L a w of 4 Redjeb, 1292
< (1875), Destour III.,
J p. 459.
(rf). Of Mussakafat aud Musteghellat in Idjaretein.
To heirs of lst degree -
2nd „ -
3rd „ - . •
,, 4th to 7th „
(e). O u effecting a
registration of tbe
grant of extension
of inheritance in
IV. U p o n registering a Mortgage:—
(a). Of Arazi-llirie - - 1 per cent, of the amount secured by the morcgage.
L a w V U . of 1885.
/-Regulations of 25
> Ramadan, 1281 (1864),
I Destour I., p. 245.
> Law of 20 Redjeb, 1291
> (1874), Destour IIT.,
3 per cent, of the registered value of the property.
(b). Of Arazi-Mevcoufe
(c). Of Sirf-Mulk
1 per 1,000
(rf). Of Mussakafat and Musteghellat in Idjaretein
V. Upon cancelling a Mortgage :—
(a). Of Arazi-Mirie
. . . .
(b). Of Arazi-Mevcoufe -
per 1,000
21 per cent*, of the amount secured by the mortgage.
(c). Of Sirf-Mulk
1 per 1,000
(rf). Of Mussakafat and Musteghellat in Idjaretein,
5 per 1,000
(*) On effecting ang registration under heads I. to IV. a further charge of 6 c.p. is levied
as cost of Paper and Clerk's Fee (the 11^ c.p. forme rig paid to the Clerh is now paid
to Gorernment).
V L O n issuing a copy
of a Registration
O n registration of lease
For a copy of a lease
r -
- 6 cp. (Paper and Clerk's fee) see above *
VIL Upon registering a lease of land under '• The Pubhc Lands (Leases) Ordinance, 1882 " *—
- 10s. for every acre or part of an acre leased.
_ | 5s. for thefirst200 words and ls. for every
{ subsequent 100 words of such copy.
VIII. Fee? for Searches':—
(1) A n y intending purchaser or mortgagee; (2) if the registered owner be dead,
any one of his heirs, and if the registered owner be alive, anyone who, in tbe event of
his death, would become his heir ; (8) any creditor who m a y have obtained a judgment
against the owner of any property; (4) any person to w h o m the Principal Officer of
Land Registration of the District shall specially direct such information to be given :
m a y obtain information concerning property registered or supposed to be registered in
the Land Registry Offices on payment of the following fees :—
Emirname of 24 Rebi-
ul-Akhir, 1293 (1876)
L a w X I X of 1890.
C Regulations of 25
< Ramazan, 12S1 (1S64),
C Destour I., p. 245.
("Law of 28 Bedjeb, 1291
< (1874). Destour III.,
Cp. 449.
("Law of 4 Redjjb, 1292
< (1875). Destour III.,
Cp. 459
} Regulations of 25
\ Ramazan, 12S1 (1S64),
t-Destour I., p. 245.
("Law of 25 Redjeb. 1291
_ (1874), Destour IIL,
Cp. 449.
f Ln«- of 4 Rcljcb. 1292
l (IS?:.). De.-*tuiir III..
C p. io'J.
t The various Laws and
. Regulations above
C quoted.
C Tapou Law of 8
<l Djemazi-ul-Akhir, 1275
C (1858), Destour I., p. 200.
Ordinance XI. of 1SS2.
For search aud certificate concerning a single registration
For search and certificate concerning more than one registra–
tion :—
For thefirstregistration in each village -
For each subsequent registration in the same village -
For search and certificate stating that no property can be found
registered iu the name of a particular person, for each town
or village mentioned in the application . . .
For a copy of any document filed in the Laud Registry Depart–
ment, for each 100 words or part thereof -
s. c.p.
1 0
Orders of High Com–
missioner published in
Gazette* No. 350 of 18th
September 1S91 and No.
S14 of 27th Jan., 1905.
1 0
0 5 f
f If made out of office hours the fee is payable in full to the Clerk preparing the copv