r 354 ]
Question II.—(Management.)
T h e N u m b e r of times resorted to
T h e N n m b e r of Persons subjected to
T h e greatest duration of, in any single
Seclusion under Lock and Key.
Always except when allowed in the
garden for exercise, A c , they exercise
together except the dangerous
Restraint by Attendants.
Mechanical Restraint.
10 days
In reference to the above Table, state :—
I. By whose authority Patients are re–
II. What kinds of mechanical restraint
are in use.
III. Whether any, and if any, how many,
cases of cruelty by Attendants to Patients
have been brought vo the notice of the proper
authority, and what was the result in each case.
IV. What was the number of cases of injury
to Patients—(i.) B y themselves ?
(II.) B y other Patients?
(in.) B y Attendants?
By authority of the Chief Medical Officer.
A strait waistcoat and the usual apparatus
• restr
for res aining maniacs
Not recorded, as there were no cases of any
importance, but occasionally a scratch or two.
State the extent o f —
^1.) The airing courts
(II.) And other grounds (garden)
Are the Patients, as a rule, given daily
exereise, their health permitting?
Are they confined to airing courts, or al–
lowed to walk in other grounds, and 6ent
beyond the Asylum ?
Are anv means taken to amuse the Patients,
or Lo induce them to amuse themselves?
Detail them.
How many religious services were held,
during the year ?
What was the average attendance?
ln what building, and how many could it
O C C U P A T I O N .
6,000 sq. yds.
Belonging to the Wards.
Confined to the garden.
They are allowed to amuse themselves in
any way they please. They are permitted to
smoke, being provided with tobacco.
None, as they belong to different religions ;
but their priests visit them frequently.
Give the Daily Average Number of Patieuts who were Employed in 1905.
Distinguishing the Sexes.
jtXx a I e
... ... ...
Specifying the character of the Employment.
Agriculture and Gardening.
Household Work, Drawing Water, &.c