I 7 ]
I M P O R T DUTY—continued.
i.—All goods imported for tbe Government of Cyprus to be UBed in tbe public service and
duly certified as so imported by the Cbiof Secretary to Government.
ii-—All Military Stores imported by Her Majesty's War Department and duly certified as
such by the Oflficer to w b o m tbey are consigned.
iii.—All goods imported for the use of tbe High Commissioner and duly certified by the High
Commissioner to be so imported, and if any article or tbing on which duty has been paid at
the time of importation be subsequently supplied for the use of the High Commissioner, the
amount of the duty on tbe article or thing so supplied shall be repaid out of the Treasury on
the order of the High Commissioner.
iv.—All articles of Military equipmeut imported by and for tbe use of any Officer of Her
Majesty's land forces.
v.—Goods and Store* of every description supplied under contract witb Her Majesty's W a r
Department for tbe public use of Her Majesty's land forces, duly certified as such by tbe priucipal
Commissariat Officer, such certificate to be countersigned by the Chief Secretary to Government.
vi.—Uniforms of Public Officers and professional robes of Legal or Judicial Officers in tbe
employment of Her Majesty's Government, provided that snch uniforms or robes are introduced
for the personal use only of such officers, and have been duly authorized.
vii.—Professional robes of Advocates entitled to practise in Cyprus.
viii.—Autborized uniforms of Foreign Consuls and Consular Officers aud national flags
imported for their use.
Autborized uniforms of auy Foreign Government to be worn by persons entitled to wenr tbem.
Government medals and decorations to be worn by persons resident in Cvprus.
i-x.—Fire-arms for the personnl use of Officers of H e r Majesty's Xaval and Military Forces.
x.—Paving stones imported by Municipal Councils iu the Island to be used for tbe paving
of streets within the Municipal limits, and duly certified as so imported by the President aud
Cashier of any Municipal Council.
xi.—Street lamps and theirfittingsimported by Municipal Councils in tbe Island to be used
in tbe lighting of Streets within the Municipal limits, and duly certified as so imported by the
President and tbe Cashier of any Municipal Council.
xiL—Casks and vats, and staves and hoops for use in constructing casks and vats.
xiii.—Microscopes and all microscopical and other apparatus or appliances for purposes of
scientific investigation and research.
xiv.—Gymnastic apparatus, mathematical and generally all other instruments used in schools
for educational purposes, which are imported for tbe use of schools.
xv.—Animals and livestock, atlases and maps, anchors and chains (ships'), bark, boats,
charcoal, church furniture, aud articles intended to be used in the building and fitting up of
churches and mosques and vestments and other articles necessarily used for religious services
and certified to be so intended or used, as tbe case m a y be, by the proper ecclesiastical
authority, coals, empty casks and sacks, freshfish,gold bullion and specie, ice, lime, medicines
and medical appliances, pitch and tar, printed books, sawdust, silk-worms' eggs, sponges taken
by licensed boats, stationery, priuting paper, whether white or coloured, printing ink, printers'
type, and printing materials, sulphur, wheat, barley, oats, vetches,flour,bran, chopped straw,
cottou seed, fodder for cattle, and all mechanical appliances for use io manufacture and
examination of wine; sulphur syringes, tombstones and memorial tablets, and tools and
implements used in Agriculture and Handicrafts.
xvi.—Machinery and parts of machinery and theirfittings,connections aud gearing.
T h e High Commissioner m a y in certain cases order admission free of duty of goods sent for
use in Consular Offices (Sec. 11 of L a w X X I I . of 1899).
Dutiable articles that have previously been exported from Cyprus, provided they are re-
imported not later than one year after exportation.
Hospital appliances or equipment, certified under the hand of the Chief Medical Officer to
be imported for the use of any Hospital.
Fire-wood, free of Import duty.
Postage Stamps—used or unused—other thau those of Cyprus, are free of import duty.
Empty cardboard boxes and labels, which the Chief CoUector of Customs is satisfied are for
use in connection with the raising of silk-worm eggs.
Iron piping, which the High Commissioner is satisfied is for work of public utility and
imported by any pubhc Municipal body or authority.
L a w No. XXII. of 1899.
Order in Council No.
262 of 25th Aug., 1S96,
Gazette No. 526, llth
September, 1896.
Order in Council N a
288, 17th Sept, 1S97,
Gazette No. 570 of lst
Oct., 1897.
Older in Council No,
352 of 18th Feb., 1902,
published in Gazette No.
721 of 2Sth Feb., 1902.
( Order in Council No.
<\ 32S published in Gazette
No. 65-1 of 2nd March,
Order in Council N a
378 of 7th March, 1901,
Gazette No. 785 of llth
Order in Council No.
386 published in Gazette
No. SOS.of 4th Nov. 1904..