[ 88 ]
Date of the Law
or Proclamation
Transmitted to England
from time to time is
Official Gazette* u mitt
22nd April, 1904.
30th April, 1904.
19th Maj, 1904.
30th Maj, 1904.
loth June, 1904.
loth June, 1904.
15th Juue, 1904.
24th June, 1904.
27th Juue, 1904.
4th Julv, 1904.
14th Julv, 1904.
8th August, 1904.
9th August, 1904.
18th August.
21st August.
17 th October.
7th Januarr.
4th February.
10th Februarv.
22nd March.
L A W S , 1904.
No. I. —"To amend 'The Land Acquisition Law, 1S99,' iu relation
to land to be acquired for Railway purposes."
Xo. II. —"To protect the public from the danger of open wells."
No. III. —"To further continue in operation 'Tbe Ecclesiastical Pro–
perties L a w , 1893.'"
No. IV. —"To continue 'The Outlaws Proclamation Law, 1895.*"
No. V. —"To appropriate a sum not exceeding One Hundred and
Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-six
Pounds to the Service of the Twelve Months ending
the thirtv-first dav of March, in the vear of Our Lord
one thousand nine hundred aud three.
No. VI. —
To appropriate a sum not exceeding One Hundred and
Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred and Forty-six Pounds
to tho Service of the Twelve'Months ending the
thirty-first day of March, in the year of Our Lord
one thousand uiue hundred and four."
No. VLT. —" To appropriate a sum not exceediug One Hundred and
Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty-nine
Pounds to the Service of the Twelve Mouths ending
the thirty-firstday of March, in tbe vear of Our Lord
oue thousand niue hundred aud five."
" To make provision for the recovery and apprehension of
seamen who desert from foreign merchant ships."
"To amend 'The Public Loans Law, 1S97 to 1903,' and
to extent the provisions thereof."
No. VIIL—"To amend 'The Gambling Law, 1896.'
No. IX.
No. X.
No. XI. —" To amend • The Village Roads Law. 1900 and 1901.'"
No. XII. —" To amend ' The Weighing aud Measuring Law, 1S98.'"
No. XIII.—" Further to amend the Game Laws."
No. XIV.—"To make further provisiou for the service of the twelve
months ended rhe thirty-first day of March, 1904.
Duty on spirits raised to 18cp. per gallon.
Assumption of Government by Captain Young, C.M.G.
Assumption of Government by Sir C. A. Kiug-Harman, K.C.M.G.
Voters' Lists.
Opening of Legislative Council.
Amending Proclamation relariug to Voters' Lists.
Irrigation Rule* passed at Ayo Serghi and Trikomo.
In despatch No. 63
of 23rd AprU, 19W.
No. 68 of 2nd
May, 1904.
No. 81 of 21st
May, 1904.
No. 84 of 30th
May, 1904.
No. 102 of loth
June, 1904.
No. 103 of loth
Juue, 1904.
No. 124 of Uth
July, 1904.
No. 110 of 27th
June; 1904.
No. 118 of 6th
July, 1904.
No. 127 of 20th
July, 1904.
No. 148 of 10th
August, 1904.
No. 149 of 10th
August, 1904.
No. 150 of 10th
August, 1904.
No. 803 of 9th
September, 1904.
No. 801 of 22ud
August, 1904.
No. 806 of 18 th
October, 1904.
No. 813 of 13th
Jannary, 1905.
No. 815 of 4th
February, 1905.
No. 816 of 10th
February, 1905.
No. 820 of 24th
March, 1905.