[ 70 ]
RETURN of all
N a m e of U-<:y and
under which established.
Municipal Commission of
Kyrenia. The High
Commissioner in Council
under "The Municipal
Councils'Law, 1885."
Municipal Commission of
Lapithos. The High
Commissioner in Council
under " The Municipal
Councils' Law, 1885.'' ,
Municipal Council of
Karavas. The High
Commissioner in Council
under " The Municipal
Councils' Law, 1885."
Powers and Duties.
Municipal Limits.
Information same as Xicosia.
All the land lying within
a radius of one English
mile from gate of the Fort
(vide Order of the High
Commissioner iu Council
Xo. 25 of 24th June, 1882,
published iu Gazette X o . 8 8
of 26th June, 1882.)
On tho east by :
The western bank of the river !
Vathykaka from it* source to ]
the bridge, over the said river on i
the Kyrenia—Lapithos carriage !
road, thence tbe carriage road j
to the bridge over the Mavro- i
limni river (all lands, etc., on '
the north of the road between '
the two bridges to be within the
limit of the Lapithos Munici- •
pality) thence the western bank '.
of the Mavrolimni river to the '
O n the west by:
The mouth of the river Yani- :
tserou to Yanitserou Spitia, I
thence along the Lapithos— '
Morphou road to the source of ]
the river Terangi (all lands, j
etc., on the south of the road to
be within the limit of the '
Lapithos Municipality).
On* the north by :
The sea between the mouths ••
of the rivers Yanitseron and i
O n the south by:
A direct line from the
Monastery Krinia Sinaitiko to '
the western bank of the river
Vathykaka at lt*» source. ;
( Vide Onier of the High Com- '.
missioner iu Council Ko. 338
published in Gazette Ko. G93
of 15th March, 1901.)
On the ea3t by: j
The western bauk of the river
Aueradon from its source to '
the sea.
On the west by :
The eastern bank of the river \
Vathykaka from its source to
the bridge, over the said river, •
on the Kyrenia—Lapithos :
carriage road, thence the
carriage road to the bridge over
the Mavrolimni river (all lands. ;
etc.. on the soma of the road *
between the two bridges to be
within the limit of the Karava
Municipality)thencc the eastern
bank of the Mavrolimni river
to the sea.
On the north by:
The sea between the mouths
of tbe riven Mavrolimni and
O u tho south by :
A direct line from the eastern
bank of the river Vathykaka at
its source, thence to localities .
Ayios Pavlos.-thence to Goma- ]
ristra, thence to Skotini, thence
to Pyrokremos. thence to the
western bank of the river Ane–
radon at its source.
( Vlile Order of the Hi*_'h Com-
mi.*.*iom.T in Council Xo. 33'.)
published in Gazette >'o. 693
of l"ith March, ttvl.)
Sources of Revenue.
Information same
as Xicosia.